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Discover 12 cultural trends shaping faith and society in 2025 and how 2 Kingdom citizens can respond with wisdom and conviction.
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About LCRL
The Center provides input, education, advice, advocacy,and resources in the areas of life, marriage and religious liberty and seeks to engage in discussions in Washington, D.C., to establish partnerships and resources in our nation’s Capital for the sake of our churches, schools, universities, and seminaries.

The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty advocates for you, educates God’s people, and encourages public officials concerning the issues of religious liberty, the sanctity of life, the institution of marriage, and educational freedom from a biblical perspective.

We can dynamically participate in government, or in public affairs by differentiating God’s preserving work, His curbing of evil work from His saving work through Christ ALONE!

God creates a civil, ordered society through people exercising their “vocations” faithfully….i.e. Honor/respect parental authority? YES, it’s good for you, it’s good for the neighborhood too!

Though distinct, Church and State are under God's authority, and function best when honoring God’s directives for each. As we engage culture for the sake of our mission, we seek to be “useful” in God’s hands on God’s terms for others.

Amazingly! God preserves the world even through sinful, even unbelieving people “trying to do what’s right.” When it comes to God’s Left-Hand Kingdom, penultimate, preserving work, we humbly engage our community with an attitude of “restraint,” seeing first what God is already doing to create temporal civility and peace. Preserving work doesn’t “save,” but a just and civil society makes it possible for ALL to hear the saving Gospel of Jesus freely for themselves.

We should honor elected officials, but even more so we must be honorable citizens ourselves. We seek to honor and respect those who lead us, but our ultimate faith is in Christ ALONE. Jesus himself shows us how to “honor the Father’s preserving Work” even as He saves us by grace alone through faith!

Jesus saves! and He honors the Father’s will to do it. Sometimes that means that one must submit to imperfect authorities to preserve peace and to accomplish the “greater” good.

LCRL Events
Experience a Dr. Seltz presentation, meet Ben Franklin and Caesar in person. There’s no better way to become part of the Religious Freedom as it’s happening than at an LCRL event.
"Stand for Liberty:
New Orleans, LA. July 19-23, 2025.
Enter the 2025 Youth Gathering Contest Sponsored by LCRL!" The LCRL announces that it is sponsoring an EPIC Temporary Tattoo Contest for the LCMS National Youth Gathering to be held in New Orleans, LA.
July 19-23, 2025.
Discover 12 cultural trends shaping faith and society in 2025 and how 2 Kingdom citizens can respond with wisdom and conviction.
How will the latest presidential executive orders impact family, faith, and freedom? Tune in as I discuss this critical issue with Timothy Goeglein on The Liberty Action Alert!
What is the government’s true role in securing our freedoms? Join Lieutenant Colonel Allen West and me as we tackle constitutional limitations, law and order, and why these issues are more critical than ever!
Religious liberty is under attack—listen as we discuss the latest legal battles, cultural challenges, and why faith in the public square is more important than ever.
The government’s response to COVID-19 raised serious concerns—join us as we unpack the shocking findings of a newly released Congressional Report and discuss what must never happen again.
Is the Federal Department of Education on the way out? Doctor Everett Piper joins me to discuss the future of public education, reform, and the role of faith and freedom in the schools of tomorrow.
An explosive investigation reveals how the U.S. Department of Education is using billions to push far-left ideologies—tune in for the legal, cultural, and faith perspectives on why this matters now more than ever!
America’s greatest cultural crisis is the breakdown of the family—listen in as we tackle the issue and discuss real solutions!
Discover how the Pro-Life movement is advancing post-Roe, and why now is the moment to message life in a way that makes abortion unthinkable.
Learn how faith, culture, and law intersect as we examine the Biden Administration’s pro-choice agenda and the pro-life opportunity to bring lasting change.
Discover why Attorney Nicole Hunt says 'the best is yet to come' in the fight for a culture of life on The Liberty Action Alert.
Join Allen West and me on The Liberty Action Alert as we examine the last election, contrasting views of government, and the path forward for 2 Kingdom citizens.
Rejoice in the timeless message of Christmas and discover how faith in this child transforms everything—even amidst today’s challenges.
Join me and Doctor Daniel Huerta as we explore why family, parenting, and faith are indispensable blessings despite cultural challenges.
Dive into the cultural, legal, and faith implications of the last election with Dr. Victor Davis Hanson and me as we explore identity politics and what's next for 2 Kingdom citizens.
Tune in as we unpack how citizens can reclaim their God-given freedoms and responsibilities in a world seeking wisdom for liberty and self-governance.
Discover the untold story of Pilgrim courage and the cultural, legal, and faith-filled power of Thanksgiving with William J. Federer on The Liberty Action Alert.
Discover how Father Frank Pavone’s pro-life message cuts through cultural caricatures and inspires meaningful public dialogue post-Roe v. Wade.
Discover how parents can fight back against the infiltration of Critical Race Theory in schools with insights from legal expert GianCarlo Canaparo.
Join us on The Liberty Action Alert as David Harsanyi and I discuss the upcoming election’s core issue: the growing battle over our constitutional order and its stakes for faithful citizenship.
Join Doctor Seltz and Doctor Newcombe as they dive into a critical discussion on faith, politics, and the Constitution in today’s America!
Want to know why protecting the Supreme Court matters for your freedom? Join us as we discuss the latest threats with Carrie Severino on The Liberty Action Alert.
Discover Marziyeh Amirizadeh's powerful journey from Iran's tyranny to embracing America's freedoms, as she challenges us to rethink what really matters in our politics.
Join me and Mat Staver for an eye-opening discussion about abortion laws and the vital role pro-life Christians must play in today’s culture!
Fundamental Foundational Liberty Action Alerts

The mission of the LCRL Champions Church program is to empower and equip congregations to utilize their temporal liberties in service to Christ's Church in America. Through ongoing education, community engagement, and prayer initiatives, the program fosters a deeper understanding of God's preserving and saving work in the culture, ultimately benefiting both the community and the culture as a whole. This partnership opportunity aims to protect and advance the Church and its various ministries, emphasizing spiritual growth and a commitment to support, rather than political involvement.