A rewind or a reset?


This week on The Liberty Alert, join Dr. Gregory Seltz and his guests, Mike Berry, General Counsel for First Liberty Institute and Tim Goeglein, Vice President of Government communications of Focus on the Family as they discuss 2022, a time for a reset or just another rewind? Topics include the continued government mandates, potential firings, and continuing, overt religious discrimination concerning COVID issues, more government directives vs. States/Local authority and the blessing of America’s emphasis of freedom, a citizen’s right and responsibility to live a self-governing, virtuous life. Listen in for the legal, the cultural, and the faith perspective on these vital issues….as we continue to grow in the wisdom needed to be 2 Kingdom citizens for the country we love. Join us! Please join Dr. Gregory Seltz, Executive Director, Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, for the Liberty Alert, Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 2:00 PM (EDST) 1:00 PM (CDST) addressing these issues from a “2KG perspective”.

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The march for life, America continues to get back to its pro-life roots!


Dr. Gregory Seltz