Building the “LCRL Champions Network” – for such a time as this PART 3

Champions Network Prt 3

This week on The Liberty Action Alert with Greg Seltz, join Dr. Gregory Seltz and his guest, Rev. Mark Frith, the LCRL’s Champions for Liberty Network Director, talking about being 2KG citizens in culture for the sake of the culture and the mission of the Church and why creating a network of believers and Churches is needed “for such a time as this.” Today’s program – “The Challenges, the Opportunities….Answering the cultural challenges to the Church’s public voice. Why must they be engaged for the sake of the culture and the mission of the Church? Listen in for the legal, the cultural, and the faith perspective on these vital issues….as we continue to grow in the wisdom needed to be 2 Kingdom citizens for the country we love. Join us!

Listen To The Full Episode


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