Elite (Utopian) Heaven? Or Real Hell on Earth?


This week on The Liberty Action Alert, join me and my guest Dr. Victor Davis Hanson, The Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, as well as a best-selling author. We’ll be discussing the enduring lie of the Leftist secular-Statist, who continually promises heaven on earth through coercive politics, all the while delivering a living hell instead. Why are we so enticed? Why are we so gullible?

Genesis 3 reminds us of the original temptation to doubt God’s Word: “Did God really say?” What happens if we reject the reality of sin, cast off personal accountability and agency, destroy religion in our culture and people, and empower the coercive secular state in its place? Heaven? Hardly….

So, what to do? Listen in for the legal, cultural, and faith perspectives on this vital issue, as we continue to grow in the wisdom needed to be 2 Kingdom citizens for the country we love. Join us!

Listen To The Full Episode



September Prayer Partner Thursday


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