Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free expression thereof;
There are many liberties afforded individuals in the United States Constitution worth defending. The Lutheran Center For Religious Liberty (LCRL) seeks to teach, encourage, and inspire men and women to defend and advocate for the heart and core of individual freedoms, that is religious liberty.
Religious liberty cases are increasingly mounting today, with Christians being singled out to be silenced. We are countering that offensive with a network of people who will engage culture for the sake of the culture and for the sake of the mission of the church. Knowledge is powerful but truth is stronger, and speaking the truth in love is inspiring and winsome. Doing this together is necessary. This is one task that is exceedingly challenging for just one or two people. Come! Build a team. Join the network to learn and grow.
The Lutheran Center’s Champions Network wants to lock arms with you and one another to extend the chain of people that stand in the gap of religious liberty and public issues and policies, meeting people where they are, and bettering one another’s lives and our communities. This is the Champions For Religious Liberty Network.
Our LCRL Liberty Lectures are an introduction to the Champions Network and the foundational, constitutional protections provided Christians in the Bill of Rights and how the Christian lives in public places of life. Our LCRL Champions Network inspires commitment on your part to learn and in time engage culture for just such a time as this.
Watch a short video and Learn More
First things first: Religious liberty means never going it alone. You can’t do this alone and do it well. So first of all, gather a few friends at church and listen to this important podcast by Dr. Gregory Seltz as he talks about why religious liberty is so foundational to the US Culture and just how easily it can be lost.
After listening to the podcast together, discuss investing time into this movement for your church, even as a small group or a few small groups at first. Then arrange for a personal, virtual meeting with our LCRL Champion’s Director, Rev. Mark Frith just to talk out some possibilities. We’ll discuss information about the following kinds of opportunities at your disposal from LCRL and what might be best for your friends or fellow church members.
The Foundational Principals
Explore the principles of religious liberties in our 60-90 minute interactive presentation, adaptable for virtual or Sunday worship sessions.
In addition to our One Hour Presentation, our LCRL Presenter can preach on Sunday mornings and/or lead a Bible Study on the Biblical roots of religious freedom.
The Champions Primer
This one-time Liberty Lecture is ideal for groups, providing the best chance for individuals to comprehend the stakes and how LCRL guides Christians in exercising their divine citizenship.
Typically on Saturday mornings, LCRL offers three presentations. The first explains why Christians should engage with culture, the second outlines the principles of religious liberty, and the third discusses how we can interact with culture for its benefit and the church's mission.
With our Four Hour Liberty Lecture Champions Primer, our LCRL Presenter can also preach on Sunday or lead a Bible Study on religious liberty's Biblical roots.
Producing this involves certain costs, including travel expenses. We kindly request a generous contribution to LCRL from you, your group, or your church to offset these costs.
The Liberty Lectures serve as an introduction to our broader network, highlighting the importance of religious liberty. Our Champions Network guides you in understanding and applying these principles in daily life for cultural benefit. To make this effective, we've established a yearly tier system for growth and engagement.
As God's Two-Kingdom Citizens, we aim to help you set goals and achieve milestones, which requires time and effort. Your fellow citizens rely on you, knowingly or unknowingly.
After participating in a Liberty Lecture, we encourage your group to form a Champions Network Cohort, a group ready for learning and growth.
In the first year you will be engaged in learning, growing, communicating in the principles of religious liberty and what it means to be God’s Two-Kingdom Citizen. We will also introduce you to best practices for beginning to engage your community helpfully as God’s Two-Kingdom Citizens. It is important as a Two-Kingdom Champion not to get ahead of yourself but earn the opportunities to dialogue.
In the second year you will continue to learn individually and as a group refining your application of the Two-Kingdom principles. You will be encouraged to continue to expand your reach in engagement of governing authorities both locally, state-wide and federal. Year two can also feature raising up a new cohort of members and friends with some of your team dedicated to helping them through Year 1.
In the third year you and your fellow journeymen/women are maturing in your learning and engagement of others in your community. Learning never ends. New issues are always on the rise. In year three you and your group are discovering ways to glean information about culture and governing policies that could affect your religious liberties and that of others, too. Your group is discovering the best ways to communicate your knowledge without being activists. We want you to be advocates, always engaging people for the sake of culture and for the mission of the Church. You may begin to encourage the launching of Champion’s groups in other churches in your community or beyond. An important part of our work is supporting others and growing the network.
You enter year 4 as a cohort. Not everyone who began with you may stay with the group, but you are mentoring newer journeymen/women who are coming up through the Champions Tiers. As you continue to engage in learning and conversations you are blessing your local congregation and other congregations. As a maturing Two-Kingdom Champion and Citizen you are demonstrating constantly how Two-Kingdom people depoliticize public issues for the sake of culture and for the mission of the Church. You are probably participating in regional and national events sponsored by the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty and maybe helping to lead in some areas, per your gifts and skills.
Year 5 means that you have made it five years in the network. A symbol or badge of the LCRL’s work is the angel Gabriel defending the preaching of the Gospel. This badge looks a lot like a knight. That’s why we use the term “knights” as another term for “Champions.” By year 5 you are dubbed a Knight - First Class. You have demonstrated loyalty and a purpose. You will work to continue to keep new cohorts up and coming, and help to mentor those who are working through the Champions Education Network
You don’t graduate and quit. For the call of God to be Two-Kingdom Citizens and championing the cause of religious freedom will only end when Jesus returns for the final time.
The Champions For Religious Liberty Network educates and connects Christians to engage culture and government from a biblical worldview - watch this short video to learn more about this exciting program!
Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out.