Donate online
Through our collaboration with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod's donation system.
The LCMS Mission Advancement backs the LCRL by handling gift processing. They are committed to upholding your intentions as a Christian steward by ensuring your support reaches this ministry.
Click to visit LCMS.org and make your donation there.

Send a gift by Mail
Make your check payable to
“Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty”
and send it to:
Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty
PO Box 790347
St. Louis, MO 63179-9947

Donate from your Donor Advised Fund (DAF)
If you have a DAF through Fidelity, Charles Schwab, Vanguard, etc., you can donate directly to the LCRL. Contact your DAF administrator to recommend a grant be distributed to the LCRL. The LCRL’s Tax ID number is 47-4612358.

You possess a unique approach to supporting our mission? We're all ears! Reach out and let us understand your special contribution. Together, we can ensure religious freedom.
~AI 1