Everything you think is wrong day

Last month’s calendar included celebrating “Everything You Think Is Wrong” Day. Everybody knows an awful lot of things. Everybody knows that marriage is about love, an intense and emotional bond that should not be entered lightly.  And because of that, everybody knows that you should not get married when you’re young, and you haven’t found yourself. Everybody knows that you need to date many people so that you can find your soul mate, the one person who is best fit to be your life partner. Everybody knows that children are resilient, that they are strong. And everybody knows that it is better for a child to be raised by parents who are divorced than it is to live in an unhappy home. Oh, and everybody knows that everyone has right to get married, and because of that, gay marriage is just as good as the old man-woman kind. And, yes, everyone knows that whether you are a man or woman cannot be determined by your body or your DNA, but has to do with what you think you are.

Could you both be wrong about such things? How would you ever know? How does any of us ever know? We are all fallible, we all make mistakes, and we are all liars. We lie even to ourselves. So, perhaps everything you think may be wrong. And the same goes for me. But there is one person who cannot play that game, who cannot celebrate this day, and that’s our Lord, Jesus Christ, who is the Way and the Life, but also the Truth, right down the middle and to the core.  The world, in all of its stumbling ignorance, cannot be trusted, nor can our hearts. But Christ has died for you, and He has never lied to you. So, yes, maybe we are wrong about everything. But we also know one who isn’t.

The Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer is chairman and professor of Exegetical Theology and director of the M.A. program at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.

Be Informed

Listen to Cathie Humbarger discuss the importance of defending life among our littlest neighbors! Humbarger speaks from experience; she has the privilege of serving as Director of Public Policy for Safe Haven Baby Boxes.

Be Equipped

God created men to be men and women to be women, but activists are working hard toward the “destruction of women’s athletics [which] is only a small part of the campaign to subjugate women and girls by legally and culturally erasing their existence.” Read more by clicking here.

Be Encouraged

The unconditional, sacrificial love of Jesus makes this day good. When your sins condemn you, He intercedes for you. When Satan seeks to devour you, Jesus defends you. When you are feeling spiritually empty, totally unworthy of God’s love, remember what Jesus has done to save you. He will never leave you or forsake you. He has ascended into heaven to prepare a place for you. If all of this sounds too good to be true, if you are looking for proof of this amazing love, then all you need to do is look to the cross. Look to Jesus. Look at your living Savior’s nail-pierced hands.
— Rev. Peter Sulzle

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