Reclaiming the narrative – asserting the moral-biblical voice in culture


This week on The Liberty Action Alert with Greg Seltz, join Dr. Gregory Seltz talking about the Church’s civic responsibility to proclaim God’s preserving, moral voice in culture for the sake of the culture and the mission of the Church. Challenge one: Reclaiming the “public” narrative, dispelling the notion that the Church is a nefarious voice in culture and courageously asserting that the biblical, moral message is indeed a positive force for good in culture, part of our 2KG citizenship for the sake of one’s neighbor. Listen in for the legal, the cultural, and the faith perspective on these vital issues….as we continue to grow in the wisdom needed to be 2 Kingdom citizens for the country we love. Join us! Please join Dr. Gregory Seltz, Executive Director, Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, for the The Liberty Action Alert with Greg Seltz Wednesday, MARCH 08, 2023, 2:00 PM (EST) 1:00 PM (CST) addressing these issues from a “2KG perspective”.

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