Religious liberty, packing the courts


“Religious Liberty, Packing The Courts, And The Politicization Of Conscience” Special conversation with Mike Berry, General Counsel for First Liberty Institute, Tim Goeglein, VP of Government Relations for Focus on the Family, and Dr. Gregory Seltz, Executive Director, LCRL. Topics include: - What’s up with the announcement on Biden Supreme Court commission on whether to pack the Scotus? - Good News - the SCOTUS decision allowing home prayer meetings in CA! - Why Justice Breyer’s Harvard speech is telling. - What’s the danger of the court becoming a “legislating body.” Why are these issues now being left to the court, what is our concern, what can we do about it? Why is a “constitution respecting” court NOT a conservative court, but a 3rd branch of government which is to protect the individual, constitutional rights of people before the law…..can we de-politicize the courts?

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