The trial of Bishop Pohjola - secular blasphemy laws - can it happen here


This week on The Liberty Action Alert with Greg Seltz, join Dr. Seltz as we revisit the 2022 interview with Rev. Dr. Juhana Pohjola, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (ELMDF) addressing the disturbing trend of the “criminalization of Christianity” in the West, discussing his legal case (which has been resolved in his favor) of being charged with crimes against the Finnish state for teaching the biblical view of marriage and biblical fidelity concerning sexual practice. Can western “ethnic agitation laws” become American “secular blasphemy laws,” where orthodox Christianity is by definition “illegal?” Join the conversation about what is happening, what may be on the horizon, and how Christians can prepare to be Christ’s people for others no matter the outcome. Listen in for wisdom that comes from one literally being persecuted for being faithful….listen, learn, prepare, and pray. Join us! Click (any time after Wednesday)

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