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When we look at our nation, it is easy to get quite discouraged.  For example, we are up to 33 trillion dollars in debt as a nation.  House prices are through the roof, eating up over a 1/3 of people’s monthly income.  Real inflation with some goods and services is upwards of 10 percent.  Socially, things are also chaotic; you can’t turn the television on without getting blindsided by woke ideology. And to make things worse, we indirectly have our fingers in the war in Ukraine and have political connections to a war in Israel.  

But dear friends, things are not as bad as they seem. . . .

We often put our trust in rulers, the government, leaders, institutions, and systems to save us and help us feel secure.  The problem, though, is that rulers, the government, leaders, institutions, and systems are powerless to deliver salvation to us. (Read Ps. 146:3–4 to learn more about that!) In fact, as history has shown us time and time again, rulers die, governments topple, and religious institutions crumble.  They don’t have what it takes for when they die; their projects, promises, and great plans die with them. . . .

But things are never as bad as they seem because you have Christ, and Christ has you.  He is the Righteous Branch, and you belong to His eternal Kingdom. He is the One who rules despite what we see going on in this world.  And so, come what may, you have Christ.  Click here to read more.

The Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard is pastor of Saint Pauls Lutheran Church, Minot, N.D.

Be Informed

We often hear, “Homosexuals are victims of discrimination. They must have the right to marry, the same as heterosexuals.” Learn how to make the case for one-man, one-woman marriage as well as how to respond to that argument here

Be Equipped

Be on your guard! People who tout pro-abortion beliefs continue to attempt to redefine truths and terms. “The irresponsible is called responsible. The life-destroying is called life-protecting. Murder is called rescue.” Read more here.

 Be Encouraged

“The two-parent home is the foundation of any thriving society.” -Josh Hawley, U.S. senator, Missouri




February Bulletin Blurbs