Is There Anyone like Jesus?


Welcome to “Word from The Center” MONDAY, a devotional word from the Center of our faith, Jesus Christ, with reflections on His Word. I’m Gregory Seltz. Today’s verse is Mark 7:37, where the Bible tells us how a crowd responded to one of Jesus’ miracles.    

37 They were utterly astonished, saying, “He has done all things well; He makes even the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.”

Is There Anyone like Jesus?

There’s a question that many are asking today. Actually, people have been asking questions like that for almost 2000 years. Here’s another one: “How can you believe that Jesus is the only Savior, the one that is the Savior for all people?” You can believe it because there is no one like Jesus. You could try to give me another name or show me another savior, but there isn’t one.

In Mark 7:31-36, Jesus healed a deaf person who was brought to him, a person who couldn’t hear and was virtually incapable of speech. It was another healing event in the ministry of Jesus while He was here on earth. All of the healings and miracles of Jesus were signs of the Messiah’s coming. (See Isaiah 35:5-6 and even Jesus’ words about Himself in Luke 4:18-21 and 7:21-22 where He proclaims that Isaiah’s prophecies about Messiah were fulfilled IN HIM.) These miracles and healings (e.g., lepers cleansed, exorcisms, walking on water, feeding thousands of people miraculously) were signs of the arrival of the Messiah and His Kingdom. In fact, the greatest miracle of all would be that Messiah Jesus, the God who became Man, who was born of a virgin and laid in a manger, would live our life, die our death on a cross, and rise again so that we might have life in Him.

But just stick with me here on the miracle side of things. The crowd was amazed. They even affirmed that this Jesus did “everything well.” It’s not just that miracles happened when He was around. It’s that everything seemed to be as it should be. His words had authority. His teaching was unparalleled. And, as they would learn later, His work on the cross and in His resurrection remains unmatched. Couple that with how He uses His power and position, then and now, not as opportunities for personal gain, but as opportunities for service so that others might indeed be saved and then ask, “Is there anyone else like Jesus? Anyone at all?” No.

As you deal with the many issues on your plate this week, as you struggle to make sense of some things in your life, in your family, and in your community (Oh, and I haven’t even talked about the cultural, political issues that are rocking our country), it’s VITAL to remember that there is only one Savior who is both God and Man. There is only one who can be trusted in the midst of all things. There is only one who has seen the worst of humanity and still redeemed humanity so that we can be who we were created and redeemed to be IN HIM. There is only one who could live our life perfectly, die our death justly, and grant us His eternal life as a gift of grace through faith. What Jesus wants for you and me today is not merely to be amazed at Him. He wants you to believe in Him, to walk with Him, to grow in His Word, to put His love to work through your lives toward others, and to live forever with Him. That’s the blessing and power of faith in Him -- life now and on into eternity. Be amazed, yes, and believe.

 PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, we often forget that the power of faith is not how much we believe, but who we believe in. Give us courageous, confident faith to trust in You, to have faith in You today and always. AMEN


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