Amplify the Voice of Christians to Defend Religious Freedom
In this era of eroding religious liberty, the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty is building a movement to defend the heart of our constitutional freedoms. Our mission is to teach, encourage and inspire Americans to advocate for this first freedom.
Why LCRL Matters Now
As Christians face mounting pressure to stay silent on their beliefs, LCRL is building a network to engage culture winsomely yet boldly. We defend religious freedom for:
Our churches to operate according to their beliefs
Our families to live out their faith without compromise
Our schools to educate according to Christian values
Our culture to benefit from religious voices in the public square
Our ministries to serve communities guided by Scripture
Your Direct Impact
From Capitol Hill to local communities, LCRL works strategically to:
Build coalitions of informed, equipped advocates
Train leaders to engage effectively on religious liberty
Monitor and respond to legislative threats
Support legal cases defending religious freedom
Provide resources for congregations and schools
Connect and mobilize believers for timely action
Equip lawmakers in Washington D.C. to protect our freedom
Make Your Gift of Support
Yes, I want to partner with LCRL to protect religious liberty and preserve our Lutheran values for future generations.
The LCMS Mission Advancement backs the LCRL by handling gift processing. They are committed to upholding your intentions as a Christian steward by ensuring your support reaches this ministry.