The Pro-Life Message: Overcoming the Destructive, Cultural False Narratives Concerning Abortion


This week on The Liberty Action Alert, join Doctor Seltz and his guest, Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life and Missionaries of the Gospel of Life, a compassionate defender of the pro-life message in the public square. Together, we discuss the Biden Administration’s decision to confer the Presidential Medal of Freedom on the CEO of the abortion provider Planned Parenthood, the deceptive narrative of abortion as “healthcare,” and the opportunity for the message of life to once again bless our culture.

Politically, there is a reprieve for those who value life. This is the moment to make the best of that reprieve. Tune in to hear legal, cultural, and faith perspectives on these vital issues as we continue to grow in the wisdom needed to be 2 Kingdom citizens for the country we love. Join us!

Listen To The Full Episode



Sanctity of Life Sunday, The March for Life, and the Moment of the Messaging of Life


What’s Next? Pro-life issues, American Culture, and Government.