June Bulletin Blurbs

June 2024

June 2, 2024
Word From the Center is the name of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty’s email subscription. You will be blessed with a Devotional Word every Monday and an Op-Ed Word every Friday. You can subscribe at www.LCRLFreedom.org – Refer a friend and you can both be blessed!

June 9, 2024
Today is National Children's Day, a day to highlight the importance of children in our society. The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty joins in efforts to protect and honor children, especially the preborn. See www.LCRLFreedom.org for more information about this important work.

June 16, 2024
Are you a Champion for Religious Liberty? Would you like to be? For more information see www.LCRLFreedom.org/champions.

June 23, 2024
Summer is officially here and before one can imagine, school will start again! The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty is an advocate for Educational Freedom, especially for parents to educate their children consistent with their faith traditions. See www.LCRLFreedom.org for more information.

June 30, 2024
The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty is grateful for the financial support of donors who support the ministry. Without their generous gifts, the LCRL would not be able to continue to be an Advocate and Encourager on the Hill. To make a gift see www.LCRLFreedom.org/donate, thank you.

May 2024

May 5, 2024

The Battle of Puebla was an important victory for the Mexican forces over superior French forces. This battle is celebrated today as “Cinco de Mayo,” a day honoring Mexican culture and heritage. The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty works to ensure that Gods’ people can freely take a role not only in sharing the Gospel, but in helping society/culture in being humane, civil, and temporally just.

May 12, 2024

Recently our attention was directed to the importance of prayer as the nation paused recently to observe the National Day of Prayer. The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty humbly asks for your prayers. Please pray the LCRL will continue to be a two-Kingdom light in today’s culture.

May 19, 2024

Are you a Champion for Religious Liberty? You are invited to join with fellow Champions and form a Champions for Religious Liberty group. For more information see https://www.lcrlfreedom.org/champions.

May 26, 2024

The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty is entirely funded by generous contributions from people like you. You are invited to support the work of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty with a gift. See https://www.lcrlfreedom.org/donate.

April 2024

April 7, 2024
Did you know that the Supreme Court has made significant rulings in the areas of Life, Marriage, Education, and Religious Liberty since 1872? You can read a short synopsis of these Supreme Court cases at https://www.lcrlfreedom.org/ and clicking on Resources.

April 14, 2024
“Is it lawful to pay taxes?” The question of the Pharisees to Jesus is appropriate now, as the tax deadline is this week. The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty uses the answer of Jesus, “Give to Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to God that which is God’s,” as a foundation of the LCRL. You can learn more at https://www.lcrlfreedom.org/

April 21, 2024
Are you a Religious Liberty Champion? Do you feel comfortable exercising your citizenship in the public square? Would you like more information about how you can be inspired, encouraged and trained to have two-kingdom discussion? See https://www.lcrlfreedom.org/champions

April 28, 2024
The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty needs you! The more subscribers to the LCRL email list, the greater the reception Dr. Seltz has when meeting with elected officials. Please encourage your family, friends, golf buddies, card club, coffee gathering, Bible study group, walking partners, book club members, etc. to subscribe to the LCRL email list. They will be blessed with devotions, podcasts, and interesting Op-Ed writings. See https://www.lcrlfreedom.org/ to subscribe.

March 2024

March 3, 2024
“March Madness” is a term we are familiar with, especially those who follow the Men's NCAA tournament. However, this year March begins the majority of the Presidential Primary state elections. The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty suggests you become informed on the issues before you cast your important vote.

March 10, 2024
Jesus paid taxes. We must pay taxes. However, we should be wise about it. As you prepare this year’s return, you have the opportunity to plan for next year. Specifically, you can contribute to the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty and receive credit for a charitable donation. See https://www.lcrlfreedom.org/donate.

March 17, 2024
Today is a day to celebrate and commemorate the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty is dedicated to advocate for religious liberty and freedom. See https://www.lcrlfreedom.org/ for more about this organization.

March 24, 2024
On Palm Sunday, some of the Pharisees wished to silence the crowd from praising Jesus. Today, some would silence Christians. The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty is actively educating people on how to speak the truth in love. You are invited to become a Champion for Religious Liberty. See https://www.lcrlfreedom.org/champions for more information.

March 31, 2024
Dr. Seltz writes, “The very resurrection that brought forth Jesus from death to life now gives all believers in Him the freedom to live as redeemed children of God.” Dr. Seltz invites you to read more in his devotional book, Resurrection Freedom, available from Amazon.

February 2024

February 4, 2024
No matter if the Groundhog saw his shadow or not, the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty will continue to encourage those in Washington Dc who labor on behalf of Religious Liberty. See www.LCRLFreedom.org for more information.

February 11, 2024
This coming Wednesday is a day especially dedicated to celebrate Love. This Wednesday is also Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. How appropriate that we celebrate Love as we begin our preparation for Easter – the greatest Love ever given to us! The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty is dedicated to advocate for our Church to worship as dictated by Scripture. See www.LCRLFreedom.org for more information.

February 18, 2024
Today America will see All-Stars of the NBA gathered in Indianapolis to determine which team of stars is the Champion. You are invited to be a Champion, not of the round ball variety but of something infinitely more important - Religious Liberty! See www.lcrlfreedom.org/champions for more information.

February 25, 2024
Since 1789 the Supreme Court of the United States has fulfilled its obligation to be the guardian and interpreter of the Constitution. Over the years the Court has made many rulings which has impacted issues of Marriage, Life, Education, and Religious Liberty. The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty provides an overview of significant Supreme Court cases regarding these issues as part of its educational mandate. See the Resource tab at www.LCRLFreedom.org to download a free copy.  

January 2024

January 7, 2024
The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty promises to be an Advocate for you in 2024! The LCRL promises to encourage those on the Hill that fight for religious liberty. The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty promises to educate all on critical issues of religious liberty. To learn more, https://www.lcrlfreedom.org

January 14, 2024
Are you a Champion for Religious Liberty? Would you like to be a Champion for Religious Liberty? To learn more about the Champions for Religious Liberty network see https://www.lcrlfreedom.org/champions

January 21, 2024
National Hugging Day was first observed on January 21, 1986, in Clio, Michigan. Since then, this annual day to encourage families and friends to give and receive hugs has spread around the world. The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty offers you a virtual hug from Washington DC. See https://www.lcrlfreedom.org

January 28, 2024
The more subscribers the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty has to its email list, the more doors open on the Hill. If you are a subscriber, thank you, if not, please consider subscribing at https://www.lcrlfreedom.org. Thank you!

December 2023

December 3, 2023
December 8 marks the anniversary of the declaration of war that began the involvement of the United States into WWII. Since then, brave men and women have defended America and the Constitution. The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty also works to defend the country and the Constitution. See www.LCRLFreedom.org for more information.

December 10, 2023
Today is the Freedom Run with the Rev! You are invited to pray for and support this first ever endeavor in our nation’s capital. See https://runwiththerev.weebly.com/ for more information.

December 17, 2023
Saint Nicholas of Myra died in December in the year 334. He was an important church leader who is best remembered for his zeal at the Council of Nicaea and for his generosity. The Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty depends on the generosity of donors for its existence. If you would like to give a gift, see www.LCRLFreedom.org

December 24, 2023
Christmas Eve reminds us that God works in our world in two distinct ways. He saves the world through Christ and preserves the world through the government. We worship God and we honor the government. Hear Dr. Seltz and his wife share more about this topic at https://studio.youtube.com/video/NHDklPOgDuI/edit


December 31, 2023
Have you made a New Year’s Resolution yet? Perhaps one way to start 2024 is to be blessed by devotions every Monday from Dr. Seltz. Maybe it is receiving a podcast every Wednesday or an Op Ed piece every Friday. You can receive all three and more by subscribing to the LCRL email list. See www.LCRLFreedom.org to subscribe.

November 2023

 November 5, 2023
It is not too late to register for the Freedom Run with the Rev in Washington DC on December 10. Can’t make it to DC? You are invited to run with Dr, Seltz wherever you are, or support him in his DC run for you! See https://www.lcrlfreedom.org/events/runwiththerev

November 12, 2023
Religious Liberty means you are never alone! You are invited to gather friends together and become a Champions for Religious Liberty group. To hear Dr. Seltz explain why religious liberty is foundational to our culture or to learn more about forming a group see https://www.lcrlfreedom.org/champions

November 19, 2026
As you prepare to pause this coming Thursday to join with your fellow countrymen to celebrate Thanksgiving, please remember the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty as it advocates in Washington DC for Religious Liberty and Freedom. See www,LCRLFreedom.org for more information.

November 26, 2023
Are you looking for that special Christmas gift? You can give a gift to the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty in a loved one’s name! See www.LCRLFreedom.org and click on the Donate another way tab to write in a way you would like to give a gift in honor or memory of someone.

October 2023

October 1, 2023
You are invited to participate in the Freedom Run with the Rev 5K + 1 race in Washington D.C. on December 10, 2023. Can’t be in D.C.? You are invited to run virtually on your home course. Can’t run? You are invited to support this event. Learn more under the Events tab at www.LCRLFreedom.org

October 8, 2023
Are you subscribed to receive the LCRL emails? Every Monday subscribers will receive a devotion written by Dr. Seltz and every Friday an op-ed piece that gives relevant information about religious liberty, life, marriage, and education. To subscribe or text 'LCRL' to 1-833-821-5329 or scan this QR code …

October 15, 2023
Are you part of the network? The Champions For Religious Liberty Network educates and connects Christians to engage culture and government from a biblical worldview. See https://www.lcrlfreedom.org/champions for more information.

October 22, 2023
Did you know that the LCRL has a Facebook page? You are invited to follow and like this page as it gives relevant and important material to help you be a positive influence in the public square. See https://www.facebook.com/LCRLFreedom

October 29, 2023
One of the treasures on the Reformation was the clarity Luther brought to the two-kingdom theology. Dr. Seltz shares his thoughts on the two-kingdoms in his paper found at https://www.lcrlfreedom.org/blog/harmony-order-salvation


Complicity with the Lie


UPDATE - WHO and the real threat to the Sovereignty of Every American