UPDATE - WHO and the real threat to the Sovereignty of Every American


This week on The Liberty Action Alert with Greg Seltz, join Dr. Seltz and his guest Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, for a crucial update on the overarching threat to the sovereignty of every American arising from the upcoming World Health Organization (WHO) meeting. Shockingly, the President of the United States is pursuing an agreement with WHO that would grant WHO expanded authority over American citizens, compelling adherence to its policies with no legal or political protections to the contrary. While 49 Senators voted to remind the President of the necessity for congressional approval regarding such agreements, 51 did not. What does that vote mean? What actionable steps can American citizens take? Is there mounting momentum to thwart this development in its tracks? Tune in, educate yourself on the issue, and make your voice heard. Visit LC.org for more information, and visit the sovereigntycoalition.org website for ways to respond. Put your 2KG citizenship to work. Join us!

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