How to talk politics and cultural issues with friends, family, and others.


This week on The Liberty Action Alert with Greg Seltz, join Dr. Gregory Seltz talking about the challenges and the opportunities to talk about the cultural, moral issues that are moving the culture today in a way that calls us back to the things of God for our blessing. Questions faced and answered include: “Is there a “Christian’s view” of politics? Does that mean we treat it more or less seriously? There are “here I stand” issues for our Faith….Are there any “here I stand” issues/moments in politics? Is there a better/best way to speak about political issues without the anger and the angst involved in such discussions today? Listen in for the legal, the cultural, and the faith perspective on these vital issues….as we continue to grow in the wisdom needed to be 2 Kingdom citizens for the country we love. Join us!

Listen To The Full Episode



The Invasion Of Academia Into The Public Square


Two waters - both matter!