The Invasion Of Academia Into The Public Square

Why are critical race theory, “diversity, equity, and inclusion” requirements, cancel culture, and woke ideology in general suddenly  rampant in corporate boardrooms, the government bureaucracy, and popular culture?  A professor argues that what we are seeing is the invasion of academia into the public square.

Students who have imbibed this ideology–which has been around on university campuses for years–would normally go into academic careers.  But there are so few jobs in higher education, they are finding work elsewhere.  And bringing their academic worldview with them.

So says Russell Jacoby, a retired UCLA history professor, in the conservative-leaning Jewish on-line magazine Tablet in an article entitled The Takeover.

In 1987, Prof. Jacoby published a book entitled The Last Intellectuals: American Culture in the Age of Academe.  In it, he decried the loss of “public intellectuals”; that is, thoughtful and learned thinkers who wrote for the general public.  Instead the intellectual world has retreated behind the walls of academia.  Here, he said, they write jargon-filled, impenetrable articles for each other.  Prof. Jacoby said that while these scholars are mostly leftwing, conservatives do not need to fear them. Their interest is mostly in their careers rather than political agitation in the world outside.  And nobody outside of their own little circles reads them, or can read them.  Their most devoted students go into academia themselves, which, Prof. Jacoby says, is a good place for them.  “Conservatives pretended to be outraged at radicals on campus, but faced with a generation of subversive students, they judged it would be better to keep them locked up in the university, which would limit the damage.”

Dr. Gene Edward Veith is the author of some 20 books regarding Christianity and culture. A retired English professor and college administrator, he also directs the Cranach Institute at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne.

Be Informed

Why is the american civil liberties union arguing that abortion is a religious right? Thomas jipping of the heritage foundation explains. 

Be Equipped

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has signed a bill into law that will legalize abortions up to birth. Read more about this barbaric bill here.

Be Encouraged

Every day in this country, innocent lives are at stake. The only difference is they don’t belong to a famous athlete. And they’re not seen on national TV. But those lives are still important to God and in God’s eyes.”
— Tony Dungy, former coach

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