NextGen Marxism, its Challenge to our Freedoms and Liberties!


This week on The Liberty Action Alert with Greg Seltz, join Dr. Seltz and his guest Katherine Cornell Gorka, co-author of the book, “NextGen Marxism - What is it, and How to Combat it,” as they discuss the need for all Americans, especially Christians, to wake up as a nation to the challenges of NextGen Marxism. Marxism is a secular, atheist, statist worldview. It dominates, incarcerates, and punishes freedom of thought and religion. It promises heaven on earth but delivers its version of Hell. It needs to be politically defeated anew for everyone’s freedom and the continued free, public proclamation of the Gospel without government coercion to the contrary. Listen in for the legal, cultural, and faith perspectives on these vital issues as we continue to grow in the wisdom needed to be 2 Kingdom citizens for the country we love. Join us!

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The Boy Scouts and Riley Gaines
