The Boy Scouts and Riley Gaines

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The Left is a wrecking ball, the instigator of chaos, the dissolving of bonds and the destruction of identity. What institution have they not yet ruined? Kaitlin Clark has excited a nation, propelling women's basketball into the fast lane. But for how long? All it will take is a couple of guys to join the league, and it's lights out for Kaitlin. There are no safe spaces.

And what of the Boy Scouts, long a refuge and training ground for boys who would be men? But place a girl in the pack, and dynamics change. Boys will no longer act as a band of brothers, but will inevitably be led into strutting and showing off, putting each other down to stand out. A boy losing to a boy is honorable, but losing to a girl is humiliating in a way that some refuse to understand or acknowledge.

As for the church? In prudence, we need to get our act together. Let the boys be acolytes, let them train in leadership, let them play the role. The gender madness is just as hard on boys as it is on girls. Our schools have long been feminized, as Christina Hoff Summers first documented a quarter of a century ago in her seminal work "A War on Boys." For a very human take on all this, I highly recommend Anthony Esolen's "Defending Boyhood: How Building Forts, Reading Stories, Playing Ball, and Praying to God Can Change the World."

Meanwhile, the institutions are poisoned and fall apart. And what's left after the wrecking ball? Nothing. But isn't that always the way with leftist utopias? The radicals sure know how to tear down, but, alas, they are not builders. The Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer is professor and chairman of the Exegetical Department at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.

Be Informed
Oral arguments heard by the US Supreme Court about an Idaho abortion law have implications for all states. Listen to the “why” with Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life.

Be Equipped
Paul Diperna, the vice president of research and innovation for EdChoice, joins Federalist Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to break down the school choice fight and explain how shifting educational opportunities will affect the next generation of students.

Be Encouraged
“So, what are we as Christians to do in a culture that rejects God’s gift of marriage, sex within its bounds, and children? Repent. Turn from your sin. Receive Jesus’ forgiveness. And do not forget to pray. Pray for all marriages and all families, that the Lord who makes two into one flesh would richly bless them with His love, joy, and mercy.” --Rev. Matthew Wietfeldt, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.




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