God’s Plan for the World, for You!

MONDAY, JULY 15, 2024

Welcome to “Word from The Center” MONDAY, a devotional word from the Center of our faith, Jesus Christ, with reflections on His Word. I’m Gregory Seltz. Today’s verses are from Ephesians chapter 1, where the Bible declares,   

7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, 8 which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight 9 making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ 10 as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.

God’s Plan for the World, for You!

God has a plan for you! He has a plan for us. He has a plan for the whole world. God indeed has a plan. The problem is that we also have our own plans and they eventually fail to remedy what really needs fixing. And, worse, they often don’t jive with God’s plan for us or for others.

If there is one “heresy” that infects our modern world, it is the heresy of “self-sufficiency.” We, by virtue of our technology and our wealth, really do believe that we can accomplish ANYTHING on which we set our minds. If you don’t believe me, just listen to our politicians, business tycoons, and cultural mouthpieces. They are very good at convincing you that the old issues of sin, immorality, and lack of virtue are nothing compared to our will, our wealth, our restructuring and reprocessing, and our determination.

Now, I’m not one who despises our freedoms, technologies, or wealth. But the fatal flaw is seeing such things as THE solution to what really ails us. It’s not creation’s gifts that are the problem. It’s the hands that possess them. The Bible says that God has set into motion a cosmic, eternal solution to the broken, chaotic, and sinful lives of humanity’s hands and hearts as only He can. He came into the world as “God-in-the-flesh” to redeem and restore us so that we might become the truly human beings we were meant to be.

Paul says that “IN CHRIST” a plan has already been set forth to unite all things in heaven and on earth. So when you hear someone trying to solve the huge issues of the day merely by uniting sinful people to some human cause, pause for a minute. There may be some good to our initiatives and efforts. Some things can be made somewhat better at times, though at other times we only make them worse! But in our hands there will never be ultimate solutions until our hearts are restored to the one who created and redeemed us to be His own. With that perspective, strive for what is good in this world knowing that the best is something that only God can provide. And learn the power of faith in your life, namely that God indeed provides salvation’s fullness in His Son Jesus for you, and that Good News gives power to face whatever comes your way.

PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I want this world to be a better place, but help me to understand that even that desire needs Your wisdom, Your guidance, Your vision, and Your blessing. Draw me closer to You so that I might be a blessing to others. AMEN


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