MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2024

Welcome to “Word from The Center” MONDAY, a devotional word from the Center of our faith, Jesus Christ, with reflections on His Word. I’m Gregory Seltz. Today’s verses are 2nd Corinthians 5:19-20, where St. Paul says, 

19 That God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not counting man’s sins again them. And He has committed to us this ministry of reconciliation, 20 for we are God’s ambassadors, as though were making His appeal through us, be reconciled to God!


In Washington, D.C., it is truly miraculous when people can bridge the gap between the great divides in our culture without demeaning what is precious to us in the process. In fact, it’s virtually impossible today. Why? Because in life in general, people more and more treat others as enemies to be vanquished, rather than people to be loved and served. And politics, at its core, is ultimately not about service, but power. Oh, people speak about a “benevolent” government, but there is no such thing. When you forcibly tax people, garnish wages, and demand obedience, and then punish those who do not do as the law requires, that’s about power, not benevolence (no matter how much of other people’s money one gives away). When you can force people to do what you demand that they do, that’s about power. As a result, true reconciliation between disparate people is a rare and miraculous thing in our lives in general, and virtually impossible in our nation’s capital. So what to do? Don’t look to ourselves or even the power of our government for genuine and lasting reconciliation. Instead, look to Christ alone!

That’s why our verses for today are so wonderful. There is a miraculous reconciliation that we can know and receive in our lives. And, yes, it can transform our lives, our relationships, and even our communities by extension. The message of the Gospel quite literally bridges sinful humanity’s gap with God by reconciling us back to God. And here’s what will really blow you away: It didn’t happen by power, coercion, or pressure. (That’s why even “good” government can’t save us, and even our best policies are never going to reconcile us where it really matters.) No, the God of Scripture, who is righteous, holy, and even all-powerful, miraculously reconciled a sinful, rebellious world back to Himself through service, sacrifice, and mercy. God has done all of that in Jesus Christ for you, for me, and for all.


So, think about this today. You have been reconciled to God, despite your sin and guilt. You have been given a new lease on life, even though your own efforts testify to your heart that you don’t really deserve it. And you’ve been given an eternal “retirement” plan that is as sure and certain as the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Get up every day and, with the voice of faith, echo and affirm this biblical truth: “I am a redeemed and reconciled child of God.”


Then, with that perspective on life, begin to take up the challenges of living graciously towards others in the same way God has acted toward you. Realize that the very reconciling work of God that draws you close to Him can then extend through you as you prayerfully serve others in the way that He has served you. Let faith in Christ, who “bridged the gap” between you and God through the cross, give you the strength to “stand in the gap” for others so that they might also know His love. Let that testimony be a reality in your life in order to bless you and those around you every day.


PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for the Gospel which reconciles the world back to You through Your cross and resurrection. By Your Holy Spirit, give me faith to trust that message for my life and then grant me the courage to put that reconciling message to work for others. AMEN


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