When I first came to Washington, D.C., in 2006 for a class in my PhD program, we were privileged to speak with many congressional leaders personally. Bill Hecht, a Lutheran pastor-turned influential lobbyist in Washington, lined up various leaders from the House and the Senate to speak with us about the things that mattered to us as Christians in the politics of the day. I remember visiting with the head of the House Ways and Means Committee at the time. He talked about various legislation saying, “We’re trying to make sure that the Congress has to live by the same rules that they foist on everyone else.” I remember my reaction. I was shocked. I had never thought about the fact that government officials often pass laws that we must follow, while living by another set of rules themselves. Incredible. Health care?
Beyond the Booth
One of the cherished notions that typically guides the lives of Americans is that politics and religion do not mix. Of course, there are some areas of overlap that Americans accept and even expect, like a prayer at a presidential inauguration or candidates ending speeches with “God bless America.” But, on the whole, it is taken for granted that there needs to be a clear distinction or even a wall of separation between church and state. People do not want the government telling them what to believe about God, and they do not want the church telling them how to vote. Actually, they do not want anyone telling them how to vote.
It’s always a challenge for me to fully understand what Jesus means in Matthew 5:13-14 when He says that believers are “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world.” I don’t think we realize how inept, yet vital, we are to being conduits of God’s preserving and saving message for the world. In a world of constant refrigeration because of electricity and easy illumination where the lights come on and remain on with just the flip of a switch, being called “salt” and “light” can seem rather mundane. But being described with those terms wasn’t mundane then or now.
How Can You Call Yourself Pro-Life
How can you call yourself pro-life and not support free lunches, open borders, socialized healthcare? Well, you fill in the blank. First, off, such talk is a diversionary tactic, disingenuous. Can we simply agree that we ought not to be killing babies, whether they are in the womb or have been born? It really is that simple.
In today’s lesson, Jesus talks about some “tough going” that was above and beyond anything we can handle. Every man, woman, and child in this world is on the path that leads to judgment due to our common sin and rebellion against our Creator. It’s a path that even the toughest among us can’t avoid, period. But then here comes Jesus the Christ. Though He was without sin, He chooses to take up our path. And when the going gets eternally tough, the Savior of the world gets going!
The Ethics of Designer Babies
“Every day in every way, we’re getting better.” This mantra emerged in the first decades of the twentieth century, a hallmark of the optimistic mindset that prevailed in many circles of academia and government. New scientific discoveries and technological innovations seemed to promise a brighter future. However, two world wars, the Great Depression and the Holocaust shattered that positive view of humanity — at least for a time.
Our lesson for today comes in the context of another healing event in the ministry of Jesus. It not only demonstrates Christ’s power over all things, but also the power of faith IN HIM amidst all the doubts and struggles that we may be facing. There is so much to learn from the honest confession of the father in this reading. This dad knew what his son needed, but felt helpless in response. He also knew what he needed -- stronger faith. When he meets Jesus, he expresses sentiments something like these:
“I’d like to have great faith, but I know that I’m inadequate, especially now when I need it most. In fact, I’m overcome by circumstances and doubt. Lord Jesus, while I believe, help my unbelief.”
Why Christians Must Vote
In his letter to the church in Rome, the Apostle Paul writes, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God” (Rom. 13:1-2).
With that statement, Paul defines the relationship between Christians and government. Throughout the Book of Acts, Paul invokes his Roman citizenship to make a passionate defense of the Gospel. Instead of shying away from engagement with the governing authorities, he engages them by proclaiming truth. However, he also puts his trust in God’s sovereignty because he knows that the ultimate authority and judge is the Lord, who has allowed those to be in authority so God’s purposes can be accomplished.
Is There Anyone like Jesus?
There’s a question that many are asking today. Actually, people have been asking questions like that for almost 2000 years. Here’s another one: “How can you believe that Jesus is the only Savior, the one that is the Savior for all people?” You can believe it because there is no one like Jesus. You could try to give me another name or show me another savior, but there isn’t one.
Civility? Always. But Much More Is Needed.
Last month, former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt. We thank God for his protection, and like many other voices this week, we abhor such political violence, boldly praying to God that virtue and civility might return to our public life together.
Put God’s Protecting, Empowering Armor to Use!
Have you heard about the class action lawsuit aimed at a company called Second Chance Body Armor? Second Chance manufactures bulletproof vests for police officers and security personnel. Their products are used by hundreds of police departments throughout the country.
Apparently, several policemen have been killed while they were wearing the vest. Following some independent field tests on several of their vests, a flaw was discovered in some of them compromising their ability to do what they were intended to do, to stop a bullet that was fired at those whom the vest was designed to protect.
Pastor, Who Are You Voting For?
One of my junior catechumens asked that last week. Politics, and political advertising, are wall-to-wall and around-the-clock here in Iowa these days. By “these days,” I mean most of the 10 years since I was called to Iowa. . . . The answer to that question is never short. Instead, I point our members to two basic Scriptures about the relationship of the Christian to government and politics
When we take God’s Word and try to “domesticate” it, as if it were something we could add to, alter, improve, or manipulate in our futile efforts to fulfill it, we do as the Pharisees did, only to be unmasked and exposed by Jesus. Such confusion creates a false religion based on human rules and works. Jesus says clearly, “You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.” Replacing God’s Word with human observances is empty at best and, at worst, destructive to the eternal life and salvation God desires us all to have as His free gift
Speaking to Your Neighbor
How can an informed Lutheran talk about violations of conscience? How do we speak about our religious liberties? What if our neighbor asks us to explain freedom of religion? Here are some questions you might hear and ways to respond.
I tried to come to grips with the depth of the questions and the issues that are at hand in our text for today. Think about it. There is Jesus in the flesh, the Savior of the world, teaching a group of followers and disciples. Just when Jesus starts to lay things on the line, calling people not just to some generic faith, but faith IN HIM, many who had followed began to leave. This prompts His question to His disciples, “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Wow! That’s almost too hard to imagine.
The Family Restored
I remember well holding my youngest daughter in my arms the day after she was born. But I do not remember thinking, “This is not bone of my bones or flesh of my flesh.” My only thought was that the Lord had given me this girl and that I was her father.
As we think about our text today, we need to be reminded again of the situation that we are in. We are seeking to live the life that we’ve been given by God. But it’s a strenuous one, full of challenges, opportunities, and even dangers. No matter our perceived expertise, there is one thing that finally matters for the climb.
What Is Marriage?
“What is marriage?” It seems like a silly question. But its one our society is vigorously fighting about. For thousands of years, and for all of recorded history prior to the year 2000, societies around the world recognized that marriage was an exclusive relationship of faithful permanence between one man and one woman, who vowed to remain together until death parts them.
Don’t be Fooled by Things that Don’t last!
What do you seek for your life so that it might be what God intends it to be, an eternal one, full of love and grace? Do you seek something that’s merely “shiny?” Do you seek things like the “bread and miracles” that even the religious people of Jesus day yearned to see? Or do you seek what God offers, a reconciled relationship with the one who created you and redeemed you in the person and work of Jesus Christ?
Civility? Always. But Much More Is Needed.
Former President Donald Trump has survived an assassination attempt. We thank God for his protection, and like many other voices this week, we abhor such political violence, boldly praying to God that virtue and civility might return to our public life together. As Christians, we are called into the middle of the chaos of the world in which we live with the power and wisdom of God’s preserving voice of the Law and His saving voice of the Gospel.