The Family Restored

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I remember well holding my youngest daughter in my arms the day after she was born. But I do not remember thinking, “This is not bone of my bones or flesh of my flesh.” My only thought was that the Lord had given me this girl and that I was her father.

In the beginning, the Lord created the heavens and the earth, and He called each act of creation good, with one notable exception. On the sixth day, He created humanity in His image, male and female, and set them to be fruitful and multiply. This, He said, was very good. The first family was a wonderful thing!

But when Adam and Eve fell into sin, they dragged the family down with them. The Scriptures record the blame game our first parents played against each other, the first marital spat. Then sibling rivalry replaced the love God intended children to show for each other, and soon one son lay dead on the ground, slain by his own brother.

Yet fallen as they are, human families are still a reflection of Gods own identity. The Lord is Himself family: the Father who eternally begets His Son from whom and through whom proceeds the Holy Spirit. The Lord insured that the incarnate Son, Jesus, would have not only a mother but also a father. He sent an angel to Joseph in a dream to encourage him to take Mary as his wife. The second Adam had something the first Adam did not: human parents.

Click here to learn more about why Christian parents and children matter!

The Rev. Charles St-Onge is pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church, Montreal, Quebec. This article was originally published in and is reprinted with the permission of The Lutheran Witness and can be found here.


Be Informed

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Do you know the role of religion in America’s first century? Click here to listen to a recent podcast with Dr. Miles Smith of Hillsdale College.


Be Encouraged
“Because Christ is wisdom from God and because you abide with Christ, you are wise and will become wiser still--alert, awake, discerning, and keen in the Son of God who lived for you, died for you, rose for you, and gives you wisdom so that you may not think and act like the ways of this world but know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to Him.” –Rev. Matt Richard




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