The Ethics of Designer Babies

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“Every day in every way, we’re getting better.” This mantra emerged in the first decades of the twentieth century, a hallmark of the optimistic mindset that prevailed in many circles of academia and government. New scientific discoveries and technological innovations seemed to promise a brighter future. However, two world wars, the Great Depression and the Holocaust shattered that positive view of humanity — at least for a time.

Now, with the advent of new biotechnologies, naïve optimism is re-emerging. Will the brave new world of genetic engineering be a utopia? As new technologies emerge, Christians need to be mindful of their implications, and the ideals that lurk behind them.

In 1859, Charles Darwin wrote On the Origin of Species, in which he described his theory of natural selection as the mechanism which drives biological evolution. Not long after that, people began to apply this principle to human society. According to “social Darwinism,” society has natural processes for eliminating its weaker members and promoting those who are more fit or better equipped to survive. This laid the foundation for the eugenics movement.

Nowadays, the word “eugenics” has a largely negative connotation: images of Nazi death camps spring immediately to mind. The word, meaning “good genes” or “good birth,” refers to all guided attempts to control and improve heredity. Many Americans are unaware that the United States has a history with eugenics as well. Popular supporters of eugenics in the Anglo-American world included Helen Keller, Winston Churchill, H.G. Wells and Alexander Graham Bell. The presidents of Harvard and Yale were on board. Click here to read more.

This article was originally published in and is reprinted here with the permission of The Lutheran Witness.

Be Informed
Kamala Harris has quite the track record when it comes to being pro-abortion. Learn more about it by clicking here.

Be Equipped
Learn why the phrase “emergency abortion” is nothing more than a scare tactic used to try to further the pro-abortion cause.

Be Encouraged
“We live in the presence of evil. Some of it is twisted to sound good. We hear of ‘the compassionate relief of suffering’ or ‘death with dignity’ or ‘right to health care’ or ‘simple medical procedure.’ You know many more. God calls us to confront these with His truth, to reveal the evil behind them. God calls us to educate fellow Christians in His truth so they do not end up ‘possessed’ by this way of thinking. God calls us to call evil what it is, but also to share the truth of what God has done about evil. For that we fix our gaze upon Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). He speaks to us through His Word of truth and grace.” –Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former Executive Director of Lutherans For Life


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