How civil rights law protects religious employees

Some corporations are requiring all employees to sign “equality pledges,” affirming their agreement with the LGBT agenda. But this violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits workplace discrimination on the grounds of religious belief, just as it prohibits other kinds of discrimination. Title VII is a powerful safeguard of religious liberty.  So says David French, who, though known for his association with a controversy among conservatives, is an attorney who has successfully litigated many such cases.

Click here to read the rest of the article.

Dr. Gene Veith is the author of some 25 books, a retired literature professor, provost emeritus at Patrick Henry College, and director of the Cranach Institute at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.

Be Informed

“We know what happens when communities deteriorate. Isolation, loneliness, and a decline in social norms. And when we destroy the church, the very institution that has been our bedrock of values, morality, and redemption for thousands of years? Despair, immorality, desperation, and evil.” So what needs to change? Click here to find out!

Be Equipped

Why did the state of Vermont make a nurse assist in an abortion against her will? Listen to more at

Be Encouraged

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you,’ says God. Each life, before even coming into existence, God has cast His gaze upon, delighting in having us hear His voice and that we would be led home to Him.
— Rev. Perry Hart, guest speaker on “The Lutheran Hour” – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life

American lutheranism and the founding fathers


His perspective is what really matters!