A Strange World

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We live in a very strange world. It is world that says men and women are the same. In fact, they are so much the same, that a man can decide he is a woman, or a woman can decide she is a man, and everyone around that individual is supposed to act like this is just the way things are. It is asserted that men and women are completely interchangeable, and so marriage can occur between a man and a woman or between two men or between two women.

The basic idea that men and women are the same has been a focus of feminism in our culture. However, reality has a nagging way of not cooperating. The armed forces have been under tremendous pressure to admit women into infantry combat units and special forces. The problem is that men and women are not the same. Men are physically stronger. Women have continually been unable to meet the physical standards required by these combat units.

Men and women are different. My children know it. When they do not feel good or are hurt, they go to Amy. And this is not just because she is a Nurse Practitioner. Instead, when it comes to nurturing and comforting, moms are better at it than dads. Men and women are different.

Men and woman are different because we were created to be different. God created Adam. And then he said, “It is not good for man to be alone. I will create a helper corresponding to him.” Now it is clear from these words that man needs woman. And it is also certain that they are not the same, because the woman corresponds to the man in the ways needed to serve as a helper to him. And the ultimate proof that they are not the same is that the one flesh union of man and woman is necessary to produce the outcome of marriage—a child. God’s Word describes an ordering to the creation of man and woman; husband and wife. St. Paul states it very clearly in 1 Corinthians chapter 11 when he says, “For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.” Woman was created from man. Woman was created for man, as the helper corresponding to him; the one without whom things are not very good. The world may not like to hear this, but Christ’s apostle says that this is a fact grounded in creation itself.

Click here to read more about why men and women are different, why that’s a good thing, and why it makes marriage marriage!

The Rev. Mark Surburg is pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Marion, Ill.

Be Informed
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Be Encouraged
“We may not be trained healers, but we have been trained through our own experiences and God’s Word to bring comfort. Be brave, reach out, and know the Lord is by your side. Pray for His guidance in what you say and do so you will bring needed comfort. We have a message of hope!” Virginia Flo




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