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The order for Confession and Absolution often begins with these words: “Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth.” It is a plea lifted from Psalm 124. But it prompts some questions. Why are we invoking help from God as Creator rather than as Savior? Why not plead for spiritual deliverance? Why are we looking for help from the God of creation?

This verse presses an important issue. We live in a time that easily overlooks the First Article of the Creed. We confess to believe in “God the Father, Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.” However, our culture (even churches) does not have much use for considering creation, our physical bodies, the concrete lives we lead, as that which is given to us by God.

We are much too “spiritual” for that. We suffer from a foggy Gnosticism that disregards the physical as unimportant and exalts the pseudo-spiritual. Even as Christians we are tempted to emphasize and talk about more seemingly “religious” topics than the mundane facts of our bodies. But our physical lives are messages from God. They convey meaning to us from the same God who forgives and gives spiritual things. God created us as physical beings, not as spirits or minds who happen to be in a body, as if the body was some sort of optional shell or covering. The facts of our gender, our fitting together as man and woman to have children, the everyday lives of eating and talking and walking all carry theological weight. Click here to read more.

The Rev. Paul Gregory Alms is pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Catawba, N.C.

Be Informed
A new report claims that young people are leaving pro-life states. Is it true? Get the details with Dr. Michael New of the Charlotte Lozier Institute.

Be Equipped
Read here about how Virginia Democrats are trying to force an “extremist abortion agenda through the legislature shortly after it convened”—one that would allow abortion to kill babies until the moment of birth.

Be Encouraged
“Handmade by the one true God and designed in His image, we are inherently valuable, not only for this life but for all of eternity.” Michelle Bauman, Y4Life




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