Two Threads, One Blessing: A Tale of Harmony and Salvation

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Jesus said a very interesting thing in Luke 20:25, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are Gods.” And later to Pontus Pilate, the governor of Judea, who claimed that he had authority over Jesus himself, Jesus responded, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above” (John 19:11). Wow! God is at work. He saves the world through the person and work of Jesus; that’s the main message of the Bible.

But to make sure that message “gets out” for all to hear, God keeps the world civil, humane, just, and safe (outwardly) through people like Pilate. So, God is at work in the world in two distinct ways: one to keep things civil, humane, just through His created orders of family, work, and government, or, as I like to say, God works through fathers, mothers, businesspeople, and leaders. Broken and sinful as they are, He still works through them to prevent, chaos, all hell from breaking loose. That’s God’s left-hand kingdom rule, His engagement to bless.

Of course, that’s not the “good news,” the great news of His Salvation by grace through faith in the person and work of Jesus. But that left-hand kingdom work of God, through even relatively moral unbelievers is part of His work of blessing too.

When Christians engage the public realm, full of philosophies, ideologies, and appetites emanating from sinful, broken people just like us, we know that there is work to do to keep things sane, humane, just, and safe.

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Be Informed
Whether you need a refresher on the topic or want to hear it for the first time, click here to listen to a discussion on the truth and beauty of natural marriage with Katy Faust or Them Before Us.

Be Equipped
Want to promote life in your family, church, or community? Sign up to throw that baby shower! They’re a loving “way a culture bestows value and honor to mothers and infants, unborn children, and growing families.” Don’t believe us? Read on.

Be Encouraged
“I love reminding them that the first diagnosis is, ‘It’s a baby,’ and no other diagnosis ever negates diagnosis number one. The baby is inherently valuable and worthy of our love.” Dr. Robin Pierucci


