Don't Be Political

Help support our efforts to contend for the freedom to proclaim the faith.

Don't speak against abortion, though it will undermine everything you say about the sanctity of life and the Incarnation, our Lord who made His life in the womb. Oh, and babies will be killed. Don't be political and speak the truth of marriage, though God gave it for the sake of all children, so that they might have a mom and dad. Whatever you do, don't get into the whole male and female debate. Let the confused kids fend for themselves. Don't go out of your way, like some Good Samaritan to help them. Don't stand in the way of the predator wielding the knife.

But wait, be political. Make sure the borders are so open that no one is vetted. Christianity has no place in politics. Have they never heard of church and state? Except when it means illegal immigration that will mean I have domestic help while you have unsafe streets.

What would Jesus do? Or do you care? He would not bless sodomy, or the killing of the unborn, or marriage that is not marriage. But if you wish to continue, then let us proceed, but on the premise that Christ is the Alpha and Omega, and that God's word endures forever. Otherwise, it's just a game.

The Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer is professor and chairman of the Exegetical Department at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.


Be Informed
Dr. Donna Harrison of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists answers questions on the horrors of late-term abortion.

Be Equipped
Get up to date on the role of Christians in the civic realm, Christians and voting, and how Christians can influence government and civil issues beyond the polls.  


Be Encouraged
On St. Joseph: “Though Mary’s husband did not beget Jesus from his own body, he did father him in the fashion of a foster, adoptive, or step-parent. For this reason, he has received the title of Guardian of Our Lord. His service to God and family not only figures prominently in the Gospel of Jesus Christ but also exemplifies the holy vocation of fatherhood and testifies to the sanctity of marriage, parenting, adoption, and every human life.” –Rev. Michael Salemink, Lutherans For Life




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