Trust Not In Princes

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“Trust not in princes?” Of course not. But be politically active to defend the unborn, remembering that the aborted child will never be baptized. Trust not in princes, though we don't really have princes, because the Constitution is what governs us. Trust not in princes, but elect the kind of people bold enough to ban males from the sports of females. Trust not in princes, but rejoice when our national laws are in congruence with the higher law. Trust not in firefighters, police officers, or soldiers, but work to create a system where they do their duty for the sake of the common good. Trust not in doctors, but find a good one.

 Trust not in princes, but stop talking about American leaders as if they were princes. The people in congruence with the Constitution have earthly sovereignty. Recognize that national laws are ephemeral, but that the permanent damage of the gender madness has left countless young people sterile, mutilated, and in constant pain. Recognize that our family in God is eternal, and that through Baptism we are brothers and sisters, but work to strengthen earthly families, true marriage according to God's creation, where children may be protected and provided for. Look forward to the heavenly country, but pray for our nation, that it too might be made a place of safety for its citizens. Trust not in princes, but work to ensure good judges who will not work to undermine the natural law that God has written into His creation.

Trust not in princes, remembering that we are a constitutional republic, and that our leaders are not the ultimate authority even in earthly matters. Trust not in princes, but don't use the phrase as an excuse not to be active, to speak, to participate in a political system for the sake of justice, which, in earthly terms, is care for our nation, and for the opportunity for our fellow Christians to live as Christians in earthly peace and well being.

The Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer is professor and chairman of the Exegetical Department at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.

Be Informed
Learn more from a Center for Disease Control report on the U.S. maternal mortality rate with Dr. Michael New of the Charlotte Lozier Institute.

Be Equipped
What is meant by separation of Church and State? How does the First Amendment protect the Christian conscience? How can we defend religious liberties in the civil realm? Rev. Dr. Christopher Thoma tackles these questions and more.  

Be Encouraged
“God sent His Son to save us, not because we asked, but because He loves us. God wants you to call on Him, not because He needs the information, and not just because He wants to rescue you from distress. He wants to rescue you for a new life, for a life of trusting that He wants to hear from you, of living with His Word inside you, a life responding with God’s love to others in their distress, even before they call.” –Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, The Lutheran Hour



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