Solid as a rock!

Welcome to "Word from The Center" Monday, a devotional word from the center of our faith, Jesus Christ, with reflections on His Word. I'm Gregory Seltz. Today's verses are Matthew 16:13-17, where the Bible says,

[13] When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?" [14] They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets." [15] "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" [16] Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." [17] Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.

Owning your own home is still the American dream, isn't it? Yes, there's nothing like "coming home" from a long work trip, or "being home" with family and friends, especially during the holidays. But home ownership has responsibilities too. "Work around the house" never seems to end, does it? There's always something to fix, something to mow, something to trim, or something to clean.

One year, one of the big "fixes" of our house was the backyard deck. And this was no ordinary fix; it was a big repair/restoration job. The deck runs all the way around the back of the house. 2x6 boards needed replacing (some as long as 16'), posts needed fixing, and, of course, the whole deck needed to be painted in the end. Whew! In addition to the challenges of time and effort, it also could have been very costly. So, to try to keep costs down, I fixed a few of the boards that were still in pretty good shape rather than replacing them all. Thankfully, there was a product that helped me do that. This epoxy product easily molded to the wood, hardened like rock, and stuck to the wood like glue. It was able to make some things "good as new." When faced with the enormous challenges of the deck, it worked like a miracle. All I had to do was add this compound to certain places and now the deck is "solid as a rock," maybe even better than when it was new.

So if you asked me, "Do you have an answer for difficult, big issues with aging decks?" I can say confidently, even boldly, "Yes!" But questions like that, though momentarily important, are superfluous in the long run. Proud as I am about my work on the deck, the next owner of the house might come in, tear it down, and start from scratch. That's the way of temporal things. That's why our lesson for today is so important. It asks the question that matters in our lives most of all. This question, and this one alone, really needs your answer. This question has eternal consequences at stake, as well as endless opportunities. This question Christ asks of you and me. It concerns what is "solid as a rock" for what really matters in life. He poses the key question in today's reading, "Who do you say I am?" The "Who is Jesus?" question, and all it entails, is the one that really matters. Is He God? Is He the Messiah/Christ? Is He the One for all? Is He the One for me?

People were waiting thousands of years for a Messiah who could reconcile a sinful world to its Creator. For those disciples who walked with Jesus, there was no one in the world like Him. In today's reading, Peter, acting as their spokesman, boldly answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God." This confession about Jesus endured to the very end of their lives; in fact, most of these disciples died for their faith in Jesus. Their mouths and their lives openly proclaimed that this Jesus was indeed the sinless Son of God, the long-awaited Messiah. He lived, died, and rose again so that we all might live eternally by grace through faith in Him alone.

This Question about Jesus Is So Vital because the right answer changes everything. He is the world's Savior; that's true. But for you and for me, He is our Savior. That response is more than mere human philosophy. It is not simply about making some temporal lifestyle changes that only impact you for a moment. It's not merely about some secret wisdom that puts you at the head of the line in life. This question focuses in on who Jesus is and what He has done for you, most powerfully through His life, death, and resurrection. Your answer changes everything for you.

That's one reason why Jesus presses Peter for a response (see verse 15). This isn't merely about getting the right answer on a test. This isn't some trivia that is here today and gone tomorrow. Peter's answer not only "gets things right." His life-changing answer calls for faith and trust in Jesus as one's Lord and Savior. That's why Jesus affirms Peter's bold confession. In the verse after our reading, Jesus announces, "On this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18). He thereby confirms that such a confession is "solid as a rock" for life now and forever.

So, what's your answer today? Stay with us on these Mondays as we learn to know and trust in Jesus as our Savior amidst the on-going challenges and struggles we face. And know this, for the challenges that we face in this chaotic world, we need a relationship with God that is enduring, "solid as a rock." With faith in Christ, that's exactly what we have.

PRAYER: – Dear Lord Jesus, Son of the Living God, thank You for being our Savior. Give us knowledge of all that You have done for us as our Lord and Messiah. Then also give us faith to trust in You in all things. AMEN.


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