When “life” is beyond our control-thank god there’s a savior!

If there is one temptation that is especially true of we who think of ourselves as “moderns,” it is the notion that there no problem, no issue that we cannot engage and solve. Right? Come on now, be honest. Virtually every commercial out there proclaims that “there is nothing you can’t do!” Just do it! You can handle it!  We’re told that we have access to more information today than ever before as if we can put that to use unlike others before us. We, yes we, can save the planet. We can heal all diseases. We can do whatever we put our minds to. That sure sounds good, but it neglects one vital aspect of our human nature. We are sinners. Even though God created humanity without sin. We brought rebellion, brokenness, and death into our lives. The Bible says that there is no one who is sinless, not one (1 John 1:8; Romans 3:10). And, the wages of sin (the payment for that kind of life)…..death (Romans 6:24). Yes, death now, death forever.

But that’s not the end of the story, at least from God’s point of voice. Just look at our lesson for today. Jesus engages some guys with leprosy. Being a leper in the 1st century was like living with a “death sentence” each and every day of your life. You were to be quarantined, separate, and if people came near, you were to yell out “unclean, unclean.” It was, humiliating, spirit-crushing, no-hope life, each and every day. That is until Jesus comes long and engages them. Check out the lesson and see that one of them got the whole story. He realized that his physical condition wasn’t the only problem he had. He realized that he needed a Savior, body and soul. And when he met Jesus, he found just that. Thanksgiving, joy, life, when before there was only sin and death, that’s Jesus offer to you today too.

So, if you are facing things that are beyond your control today. Or, if you just feel like life in general is out of whack. Realize, like that one Samaritan leper, that a Savior has come for you too.

PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, so much seems out of my control. Even when I’m trying to do things right, it seems that more often all things go wrong. Give me the joy of the one Samaritan leper who saw you as the center of one’s faith and life, now and forever. AMEN.


Guest attorney James Bopp


A unique public voice of blessing for all: part 4