Toward a more perfect union

As knowledge of American history goes, so goes our love for our fellow Americans...

So argues Timothy S. Goeglein, vice president of External and Government Relations for Focus on the Family and consultant for the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, in Toward a More Perfect Union. Generations of American students have been taught the United States is not an exceptional but an abysmal country, and this lack of real, content-rich history in American classrooms has produced today’s divisive political climate. The result, Goeglein explains, is a “fragmented America — child vs. parent, young vs. old, rich vs. poor, race vs. race,

etc., with each looking out for their self-interests, rather than the greater interest of others and the nation.” . . .

In Toward a More Perfect Union . . . Goeglein’s solution begins “with talking with our children, then with our friends and neighbors, and then with teachers” about the facets that make the American experience so unique. The freedoms we enjoy are almost non-existent throughout the rest of the world, and people risk their lives to flee oppressive regimes and immigrate to the United States. Here, we can be free–but if the United States goes, where would we go?

Learn more about Goeglein’s book in the Washington Examiner, The American Spectator, The Christian Post, and the Washington Times.

Be Informed

Did you know that Minnesota now requires teachers to advocate for transgender ideology and Critical Race Theory? Learn more with Dr. Ryan MacPherson of Bethany Lutheran College.

Be Equipped

Pro-life Lutherans are often asked when life begins. Check out this resource to help you be able to make the case for life from conception to natural death!

Be Encouraged

Pre-born babies are patients who deserve the rights and protections applicable to children and adults.
— Dr. William Lile

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The trial-verdict and impact of the Mark Houck trial