Help support our efforts to contend for the freedom to proclaim the faith.

What might we, as a people, wish to accomplish in the coming year? Most of it has to do with gaining our voice, and then putting our words into action. That means cultivating courage.

First, we should deal with a constellation of issues revolving around gender. Of course, men should not be allowed to participate in women's sports. Speak up, boycott, act like you mean it. Likewise, let us keep males out of the public bathrooms of women. Protest. Let them know you care about your daughters. Along with that we must begin once again to speak the truth and to reclaim the language. Do not call Rachel Levine a woman, for he is not. Mock those who cannot answer the question, "What is a woman?" And, for heaven's sake, never speak of gender affirming care. Call out such surgery for the barbarism that it is, resulting in irreversible damage, bodily mutilation, a lifetime of misery. Make such treatment illegal everywhere. Instead, help our young people become comfortable in their own bodies.

Along those same lines, do not cower when it comes to the public pollution of our culture. Drag queens are not cute or lovable, and when they host story hours they are predators and groomers. Don't just grumble and mumble; speak out. Likewise, public libraries must be called out for supplying books that support this ideology, thus becoming part of the grooming process. So also we have much to do at our schools, erasing DEI, but more so must we create a culture in which parents are no longer sending their children to government schools whose aim is at odds with all that we hold dear.

And this part may be harder on many. We have to stop pretending that living together is ok. Christian parents must stop winking, smiling, and ignoring. Dr. Laura was right when she called it shacking up. But it's not enough to tear down that which is bad if we do not build up that which is good. And if we can't talk to our own family members, we are cowards.

On the pro-life front, we have to fight against Plan B and the abortion pills, Misoprostol and the like. Never apologize or hem and haw about speaking out for the unborn. Attend a life rally; protest a Planned Parenthood. Get involved with a pro-life group in your own hometown. Put yourself out there. Say what you know to be true.

Churches must be engaged, and pastors must preach about such things. And that means, and this is the biggest thing of all, we must actually go to church, every week. Go to a faithful church that holds to the Bible as the Word of God. Support faithful pastors who are prophets, and don't treat church as if it were just a social club or a place of spiritual affirmation. While many of us need to go to the gym, it should also be our New Year's resolution to exercise the muscles of courage. So much to do, but we've got to start somewhere.

The Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer is professor and chairman of the Exegetical Department at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.

Be Informed
Logan Washburn of The Federalist explains the tragedy that is physician assisted suicide, especially as it occurs in our neighboring country of Canada.

Be Equipped
“A group of about 2,500 Catholic doctors and health care providers sued the Biden administration on Friday for attempting to force emergency room physicians to kill innocent life through abortion in certain circumstances after the overturn of Roe v. Wade.” Learn more about how Alliance Defending Freedom is standing up for the rights of doctors.

Be Encouraged
“All life is sacred. Your life is sacred. Every life has infinite worth and eternal value. Your life matters—from conception to natural death to eternity. The psalmist declares: ‘I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well’ (Psalm 139:14).” Rev. Robert Mohns, Lutheran Church–Canada


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February Prayer Partner Thursday