Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz


This world is a frightening place. So much so that even the most seasoned among us can become unhinged at the challenges before us. Just ask a veteran who has been in combat. Just ask a policeman who must patrol the cities at night. Just ask a person struggling with illness, disease, or the loss of a loved one who meant everything to them. Those are comparable to the fear the disciples of Jesus felt one dark evening on the Sea of Galilee.

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Word from the Center LCRL Staff Word from the Center LCRL Staff

What God Has Joined Together

There are times when the church’s teaching on an issue sparks discussion and controversy because there is some debate over the precise meaning of critical words or ideas in the teaching. Other times, a doctrine of the church generates keen discussion and disagreement because the teaching is exceedingly plain and clear but difficult to practice. The church’s teaching about divorce falls into the latter category.

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Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz


The Christian life was meant to be lived “in faith toward [God] and in fervent love toward one another,” and to do so generously. Paul reminds the Corinthians that such a way of life begins with the awesome realization that God loved us generously by sending His Son to die for us so that we might live. God’s merciful and gracious benevolence motivates, empowers, and directs the lives of believers to “benevolence” others as a reflection of His love. In this passage St. Paul challenges believers to look to the needs of others as an opportunity to put their faith in God into action.

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Word from the Center Peter Scaer Word from the Center Peter Scaer

What Must the Angels Think?

The Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer notes that even the angels weep at what they see happening among us today but reminds us that: “The right side of history talk has been exposed as nonsense, a way to demoralize those who know or should know better. Much better to be on the side of the angels, God’s angels, who love us as he does.”

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Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz


God’s peace to you amidst whatever “storm” you are facing today.

I think that’s an appropriate greeting for Christians because of the many issues we are encountering in our lives. There are the typical troubles of health and well-being that all of us face, that’s for sure. But there is also an especially vitriolic feeling in America toward anyone or anything that asserts God’s moral limitations to our libertine attitudes of absolute freedom. We know how to protest, but we don’t seem to know how to be virtuous anymore, right? And the attacks on those who even remotely hint at such moral truths are getting more and more noxious by the day.

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Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz


In Washington, D.C., it is truly miraculous when people can bridge the gap between the great divides in our culture without demeaning what is precious to us in the process. In fact, it’s virtually impossible today. Why? Because in life in general, people more and more treat others as enemies to be vanquished, rather than people to be loved and served. And politics, at its core, is ultimately not about service, but power. Oh, people speak about a “benevolent” government, but there is no such thing. When you forcibly tax people, garnish wages, and demand obedience, and then punish those who do not do as the law requires, that’s about power, not benevolence (no matter how much of other people’s money one gives away). When you can force people to do what you demand that they do, that’s about power.

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Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz


I’ve been concluding my latest emails and letters with the phrase, “Peace amidst the struggle,” in order to share with people the biblical reality that God is in control even when things look dire. The Christian life is meant to be full of peace, hope, and wonder, and that can always be true, even in the middle of the chaos of this sinful world. For example, one of the hardest lessons to learn as a Christian is that suffering, and trials persist in the lives of those who fervently believe in Jesus. Unfortunately, some see suffering as a sign of a weak faith. Others claim that suffering is proof that God is displeased with a person. Some religions even have names for it, such as “Karma;” others simply view it as “getting what’s coming to you.” Today I’d like to invite you to think differently about the suffering and trials of life so that you can receive God’s peace and hope amidst whatever struggles you might be facing.

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Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz


Have you ever noticed that there seem to be two kinds of “religious” people? First, there is the “Law and Order” person. That’s the person who knows that there is right and wrong, and also knows that when you do wrong you should be punished. On the other hand, when you do right, you should be rewarded. Of course, if we are honest, wrong thoughts and deeds always seem to overwhelm the right ones.

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Word from the Center Peter Scaer Word from the Center Peter Scaer

Pagan Nationalism

There is a lot of fretting over Christian Nationalism, though as far as I can tell, the term comes with a lot of hype, and, as NPR would say, "misinformation." But when we speak about Christians in society today, we should not be naive and think we are living in a secular age of ideas, worrying about the danger that overzealous Christians are somehow trying to make other people act according to biblical laws. What we assert is the natural law. And here, it's important to speak of specific issues, so that the theories may be tested.

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Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz


There’s a caricature out there about the Christian view of life. It goes like this, “Christians are so heavenly minded that they are of no earthly good.” In other words, people accuse Christians of being so focused on eternal life that the issues of today become insignificant to them. Is that really true? Chuck Colson, a ruthless political operative whose later life was transformed by faith in Jesus Christ, realized that life changes when you realize that it is eternal.

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Word from the Center Peter Scaer Word from the Center Peter Scaer

Complicity with the Lie

What does it matter if you call him a woman, call her a man? You can pretend it's a game, but you are doing it under compulsion, whether it's simply peer or social pressure, or whether it's a matter of advancing in your career, or even keeping your job or business. If you can be made to say 2 + 2 = 5, you are owned by someone else, and your mind is not your own, nor can it be the mind of Christ who is the Truth.

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Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz Word from the Center Dr. Gregory Seltz


6 When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. 7 Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? 8 Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language? 9 Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome 11 (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” 12 Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?”….. Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd:….21 “And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

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