Pagan Nationalism

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There is a lot of fretting over Christian Nationalism, though as far as I can tell, the term comes with a lot of hype, and, as NPR would say, "misinformation." But when we speak about Christians in society today, we should not be naive and think we are living in a secular age of ideas, worrying about the danger that overzealous Christians are somehow trying to make other people act according to biblical laws. What we assert is the natural law. And here, it's important to speak of specific issues, so that the theories may be tested.

The argument for natural marriage and for laws that are in accord with that is an argument for truth but also for justice. It's not a matter of claiming that the church has some special authority, but to say that every child has a mother and father, and has a reasonable right to a mom and dad, even as society has reasonable expectation that biological parents are responsible for raising their children. Likewise, abortion. It is not simply a matter of morality, but there is a living child whom we should be talking about, and it is our duty as a just society to defend that child. Likewise, the transgender issue, where we as Christians fight for children who are being pumped with puberty blockers and hormones, leading to mutilating surgery.

So much talk about the two kingdoms seems incredibly naive. The secular government is, in fact, a religious enterprise, now governed by paganism and the ideology of the rainbow pride. So, a "liberal" might say that education is best handled on a federal level. But this, too, is a spiritual battle, as the government claims for itself the right of indoctrination into the new gender cult. As Christians, we do not seek to make people act in a moral way, per se, but we fight for laws that are in congruence with the natural law, apart from which society is unjust and inflicts harm on the vulnerable.

As we tiptoe, not wanting to be thought of as Christian Nationalists (a largely made-up term meant to silence and immobilize Christians) or fundamentalists, the secular enterprise is more than happy to break down church state barriers in the wrong direction. This means already that the state is not only impinging on the rights of church schools, but even families, where parents are told that they must follow the guidelines of the gender regime. The Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer is professor and chairman of the Exegetical Department at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.

Be Informed
Dr. Donna Harrison and Gabriella McIntyre explain a recent Supreme Court case on the FDA’s removal of safety standards on abortion drugs in a recent Issues, Etc. podcast. Lord, have mercy!

Be Equipped
Arizona’s abortion ruling has been in the news. But did the media explain it correctly? The attorney who argued the case explains that, “The Arizona Supreme Court simply upheld the law as enacted by the state legislature. That’s what courts are supposed to do. It’s judicial modesty, not judicial activism.”

Be Encouraged
“The Ascension assures us that Jesus has finished His work of salvation and now rules ALL things in this world for the good of His Kingdom and His Church: that is, you and me!” –Rev. Darren Green, St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Redwood Falls, Minn.




The Fight for Parental Choice is just beginning; And that’s good for everyone!