Don’t look for what really matters in the wrong places!

There are days when we are reminded that certain things matter, but that other things matter the most! This is one of those days! When it comes to finding a good place to help you to “get your act together” or “get your life together,” it may be profitable to look at a healthy eating guide, the latest personal planner, or some self-motivating books or novels. But none of those places can truly deal with the issues that ail us. On Easter Sunday, God calls all of humanity to look into the empty tomb of Jesus to come to terms with their deepest need, and also to see His answer for it. Human beings are sinful, broken, and incapable of their own rescue. God the Father sent His Son Jesus to live our life, to die our death, and, by His resurrection, to give us eternal life as a gift. So, look into His empty tomb today. It matters for you!

First, it’s important to realize why it’s important to look into this particular tomb, the empty tomb of Jesus the Christ. In his book, Therefore Stand, Wilbur M. Smith notes that, “of the four great religions of the world resting directly upon personalities rather than upon some philosophical system, the Christian faith is the only one that even talks about an empty tomb in relation to its founder, Jesus.” He adds,

Buddha is dead, Mohammed is dead, Confucius is dead, but Christ is alive! but there is even more…. of all the great leaders of the world…. the pharoahs, the generals, the warriors, the emperors, the kings, even the presidents
…. You can visit them at their impressive tombs! But they’re still dead.[1]

But the One born of a virgin, who suffered under Pontius Pilate, the One crucified, dead and buried, this Jesus, this one alone is arisen and lives and reigns to all eternity.

And, most importantly, the empty tomb of Jesus demonstrates the success of his mission as this world’s Messiah, this world’s savior. The cross proclaims our need for a savior, and the empty tomb proclaims that there is only one savior for the world.

Jesus is the one Lord, crucified and risen, who, as the Bible says, “has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Timothy 1:10).

Several years ago I was privileged to lead a group of people to the traditional site of the empty tomb of Jesus. It was an awesome experience. When we stood together at HIS EMPTY TOMB, we were invited to believe and proclaim that he did all of this for the whole world, which means He did this for each one of us
as well! Today, by faith, I pray that you can say that too. Don’t look for answers to the ultimate questions of life in people or places that will only disappoint. Look to Christ’s cross and empty tomb, the place where God fulfills His promise of life and salvation for you, now and forever.

PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, Your cross and resurrection are public displays of the uniqueness of Your saving mission and ministry. Help me to realize the awesome truth that You did all of that for each one of us because You love us. AMEN.

[1] Wilbur W. Smith, Therefore Stand: A Plea for a Vigorous Apologetic in This Critical Hour of the Christian Faith (Moody Press, 1945).


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