Fight the Good Fight

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We are told to be at peace, for Jesus is Lord. I get that. But don't let it be the kind of peace that serves as a sedative, the kind of peace that puts you to sleep while it is still day, and there is work to do. Christ remains on the throne, but that fact should stir us all the more to do good, and that means, on a day like today, in the political arena. The fact that Jesus is King should not lead us to complacency, but to the boldness that our Lord has our backs, now and into eternity. Knowing that our future is secure, here and now we defend our neighbor, including our littlest neighbor in the womb. Today we defend our right to speak the truth, and not just inside of church walls. Today we defend the vocation of fatherhood and motherhood against a regime that takes children away from parents who do not affirm their supposed gender by administering puberty blockers, and hormone treatment leading to mutilating surgery. It is through voting that we strike a blow against those who would silence us, or would compel us to say that 2+2=5, that a man is a woman. Peace in our hearts, yes. But not the peace of the anesthetized, not the sleep of the dull of heart, not the lulling to sleep of the ones who cry out, "Peace, peace," when there is no peace. (Jeremiah 6:14). While it is day, arise, work and fight. And then, only after having done all that, sleep the sleep of Christ's peace. And then, tomorrow, get back at it.

The Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer is chairman and professor of Exegetical Theology and director of the M.A. program at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.


Be Informed
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Be Encouraged
“All life is sacred. Your life is sacred. Every life has infinite worth and eternal value. Your life matters—from conception to natural death to eternity. The psalmist declares: ‘I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well’ (Psalm 139:14).” --Rev. Robert Mohns, Lutheran Church–Canada



