“Jesus, a savior for all the “peters” out there!”

What an amazing event in our lesson for today, Jesus “reinstates” Peter. As one who is in the public ministry of Jesus Christ, I’ve had my moments when I’ve felt just like Peter. You see, Peter was one who declared many times to Jesus that “He, Peter, could be counted on.” He felt that he was the kind of disciple that “When the going got tough for those who followed Christ,” he insisted that Jesus could not only count on him, but that he would be even be Christ’s protector when it mattered. If you’ve read the Gospel accounts, you know that the real story is that Peter let Jesus down many times and, when Jesus needed him most, he denied Jesus, even cursed His name to those who asked him about Christ. Peter’s guilt, his sadness, must have been enormous. That’s why this event by the shore of Galilee one morning is so wonderful for Peter and for you and me.

Jesus goes out of his way to “reinstate” Peter as one of His disciples. He does it in a way that mirrors Peter’s greatest shame, making the point that for every sin, for every shame, Jesus has made forgiveness and mercy possible beyond his wildest dreams. That’s beyond amazing. And, not only that, Jesus gently applies that “balm of good news” to the tattered soul of Peter right when it mattered most.

That’s the kind of savior that Peter had. That’s the kind of savior that you have in Christ too. I don’t know where you are in your walk with God today. Maybe you are one of those who feels that the things of God aren’t for people like you. Maybe you’ve got real guilt and shame in your life and you know that you aren’t deserving of other people’s love let alone God’s. That’s how Peter was feeling that morning on the shore. He was sure that he would receive the rebuke he deserved. But, what did he find instead? He found God’s mercy anew and it transformed his life from that day forward. That’s what’s available to you today too. Why? Because Peter’s savior is yours. Peter’s struggles might be yours. His guilt and shame might be yours. Today, will you let his savior be yours too? God bless you as you open your heart to that offer. Please know that you and I can disappoint Jesus in so many ways. But, the good news of the Gospel is that He never disappoints us, especially those who trust in Him for all things.

PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I know I have the same weaknesses and sins as Peter, please give me and all who are praying this prayer, the kind of faith that Peter had too, trust in you alone for all things. AMEN.


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