What every baptized child of god should remember when voting

Remember who is ultimately in control over all things: The same One into whom you were baptized—

  • Keep perspective.

Remember who is ultimately in control over all things: The same One into whom you were baptized—the Father who created you and gives all that you need for your body and life, Jesus Christ who has redeemed you paying for your sins by His crucifixion, and the Holy Spirit who has called you by the Gospel and continues to enlighten you with His gifts of Word and Sacraments. He loves you. He will never forsake you. He will guide you as He ever has now and throughout the future even to our eternal rest with Him.

You are a member of two kingdoms. One is eternal. The other is temporary. The eternal one is the true end goal.

  • Keep faith in God, not political leaders.

“Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation” (Ps. 146:3).

No political leader can be nor will be perfect, nor will they make decisions that will please all people. This is still a world broken by sin.

  • God works His will even in and through the governments of this world (Rom. 13:1-4).

The government in the United States is unique in that we have the ability and privilege to elect those who represent us in local, state and national elections for judges, representatives, governors, and president. The persons for whom we vote is important. Therefore, as members of this earthly kingdom we should desire to live out our faith as good citizens and support good and godly government for our good and the welfare of our neighbor.

  • Informed voting is essential. Do your research.

Do not vote because of endorsements of celebrities or because of what you “heard on the news.” Educate yourself on the stances of each candidate and party regarding biblical and moral issues like the sanctity of life from its conception to its natural end (are they prolife/anti-abortion, against euthanasia?), the protection of biblical marriage, and the freedom to worship without government interference.

Find out which party or candidate will protect Christians in the public sector. Will they defend the right of citizens to conduct business according to their confession of faith without being forced to go against conscience? Do they think that a person can be fired or denied advancement because of church membership or belief system? If they deny that right to believe and practice that faith in public vocation and life, then they should not receive your vote.

Pray without ceasing—for wisdom, for our government, for the world, for our neighbors. Pray that God’s kingdom would come and His will would be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Trust Him and go forward into those polling places with the peace that passes all understanding through Jesus Christ our Savior.

The Rev. Aaron Kangas is pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Iuka, Ill., and Faith Lutheran Church, Flora, Ill.

Be Informed

The question remaining is what of current law — e.g., the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1991, Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church v. EEOC, or the First Amendment’s ‘free exercise clause’ — will leave us room to operate our churches, schools, universities and institutions according to our Christian doctrine and consciences.
— Learn more from the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Be Equipped

Learn more about the 44th anniversary of the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal funding for abortion. Dr. Michael New of the Charlotte Lozier Foundation explains.

Be Encouraged

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