Why leave when your savior asks you to stay?
Welcome to “Word from The Center” MONDAY, a devotional word from the Center of our faith, Jesus Christ, with reflections on His Word. I’m Gregory Seltz. Today’s Bible verses are John 6:67-69.
[67] “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve. 68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. [69] We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
I tried to come to grips with the depth of the questions and the issues that are at hand in our text for today. Think about it. There is Jesus in the flesh, the Savior of the world, teaching a group of followers and disciples. Just when Jesus starts to lay things on the line, calling people not just to some generic faith, but faith IN HIM, many who had followed began to leave. This prompts His question to His disciples, “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Wow! That’s almost too hard to imagine.
I’ve been in Washington, D.C., for four years now and there have been exciting times in the presence of some very powerful people. If one of them were to say to me, “Don’t you wish to stay a little longer? I very much want to talk with you, Greg,” I can’t even imagine the thought of leaving. Stay? Absolutely! Why would I go? Think of people who are important to you. Maybe they include a leader, politician, celebrity, world-class athlete, or successful entrepreneur. If one of them said, “Stay a while longer because I would really like to talk with you,” would you? Most of us would clamor for the opportunity. If Amazon’s Jeff Bezos wanted to take you to space with him, if Elon Musk want to confab with you about the next big idea in electric cars, if the CEO of Exxon wanted your help to bring energy technology to help lift the world out of poverty and despair, I think that you’d not only stay, you would be honored, wouldn’t you? Well, this text is amazing in that when Jesus, the Creator and the soon-to-be Redeemer of the world from sin, death, and damnation, wanted people to stay with Him, many turned and walked away. Amazingly they thought, “Let’s go someplace else; we’ve heard enough.”
Humanity’s biggest problem is Sin with a capital “S,” that is, our fractured relationship with God. It results in a lack of true wisdom, real wisdom, the kind of wisdom that comes from a faith relationship with the one who is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John14:6). It causes indifference and even hostility to the words of the one who says, “If you abide in my word, then you are truly my disciples. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32). Such indifference, or at least ignorance, was exhibited in the responses to a Gallup poll several years ago. It revealed that, in America, ninety-four percent believed God existed, seventy-seven percent thought their chances of going to heaven were good or excellent, fifty-eight percent believed in hell, but only six percent thought they had a chance of going there. Few who participated in that poll understood their real needs or their real predicament. Many could be categorized by that old Spiritual which says, “Everybody talking about Heaven ain't a going there.” Sadly, many of those polled were also missing the power of living in the eternal promises of God right now.
The question, “Will you go away too?” is an evocative one because so many other questions are properly answered in your life if you get this one right. Jesus teaches us in Matthew 6:63 to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well.” In so doing, He is telling us to prioritize the kingdom of God alone, first and foremost. Then He goes further, explaining to us that the Kingdom of God is to be found and received in Him alone by grace through faith. Everything else will find its proper place in our lives when our faith is firmly rooted in Jesus as our Savior so that nothing can turn away from Him.
Today, then, take up the challenge with me to look deeply in the Scriptures to discern all that Jesus Christ has done for you. As Peter declared to Jesus in response to His question, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). You will never find anyone who is more just and merciful, who loves you more deeply, guides you more surely, sacrifices for you more diligently, and comforts you more sincerely. Remember also how easy it is to miss all that God has done for us. Instead, let’s faithfully mimic the confession of Peter as we probe the depths of that amazing love of Christ for us in all we say and do. “We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God” (John 6:69). Don’t leave when the Savior asks you to stay. You can also be assured that He will never leave or forsake you (see Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5). Count on it!
PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, we know that You experienced abandonment on the cross because of our sin so that we might be saved. Give us faith to trust You as the one who cares for us even more than we can care for ourselves. AMEN.
Brutal facts. We all have some brutal facts to face in life, facts that must be overcome for our own well-being and freedom. Such facts might be the troubles (even the elections) of the day. They might be the obstacles we face in life, whether those are under our control or out of our control. But this Bible verse goes further, telling us about the ultimate “brutal fact” of life. Because of our sin, all people are destined to die once and after that to face judgment. That’s a sobering thought for sure. But that final fact, if faced in Christ, can change your life both then, as well as here and now.
This morning I sip coffee from one of his mugs: "Masterpiece Cakeshop: Yeah . . . that cakeshop." What cakeshop? If you don't know, you're not informed, and you're watching the wrong news. Jack has been embroiled in legal battles since 2012, when the baker declined to use his talents to create a custom cake celebrating a so-called gay marriage. Phillips, mind you, served all people, no matter what. But he did not wish to use his time and talents to commemorate that which he believed was wrong. This is what the First Amendment is all about, freedom of speech, which means the freedom from compelled speech, along with the free exercise of religion.
Prayer Partner Thursday provides a month-long prayer emphasis in one of the four Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty areas of emphasis: Religious Liberty, Sanctity of Life, Educational Freedom, and Marriage as an Institution (family).
There are two kinds of freedom in the world. One is the earthly freedom that humans can achieve on our own. There are times when it seems like that freedom is secure in our hands. There are other times when it seems like it is always slipping through our fingers or beyond our reach. The other freedom is the kind of freedom that only God can make happen by His work on your behalf. Can you guess which one lasts? Can you guess which one is absolutely indispensable? Right, it’s the one where “the Son makes you free” by His life, death, and resurrection for you.
What do these things have in common and why does it matter for us this election? The “Sinicization movement” in China towards religion, the Bishop Johanna Pohjola trial in Finland, and the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act” law in America? All these are examples of a growing, secular statism growing abroad and now—here. When people ask me, “For whom or for what should I vote this election?” Amidst all the rhetoric and rancor, my main advice is that you vote for the platform that limits government’s coercive power, and the platform that more clearly defines a more limited role of government in the lives of ALL Americans.
I’m always amazed at the healings Jesus performed during His ministry. The deaf would suddenly hear, the blind would see, and the lame would walk. There were even times when dead people were raised again to life! Many of these healings were amazing, seemingly beyond belief. One, of course, was the ultimate healing. That’s the time when Jesus took upon himself the sin of the world, suffered the eternal death we all deserved on the cross, and then rose so that we might have the promise of eternal life with Him as a gift of grace.
Is it alright for Christians to be involved with politics?
The Bible contains no specific command that either requires or forbids Christian involvement with politics. However, through the prophet Jeremiah, God teaches His people that they should, “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf” (Jer. 29:57). In other places, God teaches that Christians should obey and pray for those in positions of civil authority (Matt. 22:21; Rom. 13:17; Titus 3:1; 1 Pet. 2:13).
The Bulletin Insert is designed to be printed and cut in half to fit conveniently inside a Sunday worship bulletin. Each month an insert will offer insight, encouragement, and information from the LCRL on the topics of Religious Liberty, Life, Marriage, or Education.
The dates identifying the LCRL bulletin blurbs are only suggestions. Please feel free to use any and all of the bulletin blurbs as your ministry needs allow.
Have you ever been so overwhelmed by something that you finally gave in? In a moment of exasperation, you concluded, “There’s nothing else that I can do; I can’t handle this.” I think we’ve all faced that to some degree. There are issues in life that so overwhelm us it seems as though life itself has become impossible to face. Jesus often shakes us up by pointing out “the impossible” in our lives, while at the same time offering God’s possibilities even then. Amazing! Unclean lepers are healed instantly. People blind from birth suddenly see clearly, both physically and spiritually. Who is this Savior who shows us the depth of our depravity just so that He can demonstrate even more clearly God’s gracious salvation? He’s the Savior who, when it comes to eternal life and salvation, reminds that “with man this is impossible, but not with God; with God all things are possible.”
Every year on October 31, Christians from around the world are reminded of a “reforming” movement that brought back to light the central message of the Bible, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Freedom, life, and salvation were again heard as God’s gifts offered to sinners by grace alone, through faith alone, in the person and work of Jesus Christ alone. Martin Luther’s rediscovery of the uniqueness of the freedom of the Gospel as God’s saving work in the world for all shook the foundations of the medieval world. It ushered in many of the precious freedoms that we enjoy in this world today. It clearly identified and distinguished the uniqueness of the eternal freedom that comes from knowing and trusting in God’s gracious work in Jesus from the cultural/political freedoms that come from public policy, citizenship, and good government. Distinguishing, cherishing, and engaging both freedoms is part of what it means to be a Christian citizen in the world for the sake of the culture and the mission of the Church.
The Bulletin Insert is designed to be printed and cut in half to fit conveniently inside a Sunday worship bulletin. Each month an insert will offer insight, encouragement, and information from the LCRL on the topics of Religious Liberty, Life, Marriage, or Education.
I know, I know, you are worried about my grammar. You think the title should be “Don’t Forget, You’re (You ARE) Valuable,” right? Or, you might think my title should be “Don’t Forget Your ‘Valuables,’” not “Valuable!” Well, I wrote the title as it was meant to be written. For this devotion, the word needs to be VALUABLE. I meant to write that word in the singular because this lesson is talking about the ONE thing in your life that is the key to it all. In our lesson for today, an individual comes up to Jesus and asks the million-dollar question, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” That’s the big question; that’s the one that really matters. You see, the Bible talks about life as precious, purposeful, and eternal. Those three all go together. Jesus wants you to know that your life is eternal; you are not just here today and gone tomorrow. He wants you to know that you are precious to Him, that your life matters to Him.
Former President Donald Trump has come out in favor of the rape and incest exception [with regard to abortion], and that's a pity. And yet a friend says we need to have abortion precisely because some women are raped or are victims of incest. What that shows is that people are not listening or are confused by the propaganda press, which is the only press half the country ever gets.
When I first came to Washington, D.C., in 2006 for a class in my PhD program, we were privileged to speak with many congressional leaders personally. Bill Hecht, a Lutheran pastor-turned influential lobbyist in Washington, lined up various leaders from the House and the Senate to speak with us about the things that mattered to us as Christians in the politics of the day. I remember visiting with the head of the House Ways and Means Committee at the time. He talked about various legislation saying, “We’re trying to make sure that the Congress has to live by the same rules that they foist on everyone else.” I remember my reaction. I was shocked. I had never thought about the fact that government officials often pass laws that we must follow, while living by another set of rules themselves. Incredible. Health care?
One of the cherished notions that typically guides the lives of Americans is that politics and religion do not mix. Of course, there are some areas of overlap that Americans accept and even expect, like a prayer at a presidential inauguration or candidates ending speeches with “God bless America.” But, on the whole, it is taken for granted that there needs to be a clear distinction or even a wall of separation between church and state. People do not want the government telling them what to believe about God, and they do not want the church telling them how to vote. Actually, they do not want anyone telling them how to vote.
Prayer Partner Thursday provides a month-long prayer emphasis in one of the four Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty areas of emphasis: Religious Liberty, Sanctity of Life, Educational Freedom, and Marriage as an Institution (family).
Join me and Doctor Everett Piper on The Liberty Action Alert as we uncover why America’s Evangelical churches are lurching leftward—and what this means for Christians striving to be faithful 2 Kingdom citizens.
It’s always a challenge for me to fully understand what Jesus means in Matthew 5:13-14 when He says that believers are “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world.” I don’t think we realize how inept, yet vital, we are to being conduits of God’s preserving and saving message for the world. In a world of constant refrigeration because of electricity and easy illumination where the lights come on and remain on with just the flip of a switch, being called “salt” and “light” can seem rather mundane. But being described with those terms wasn’t mundane then or now.
How can you call yourself pro-life and not support free lunches, open borders, socialized healthcare? Well, you fill in the blank. First, off, such talk is a diversionary tactic, disingenuous. Can we simply agree that we ought not to be killing babies, whether they are in the womb or have been born? It really is that simple.
Listen as Nicole Hunt and I discuss the crucial 'Pro-Life' movement and why now is the time for Christians to rise for the culture and the Church!
In today’s lesson, Jesus talks about some “tough going” that was above and beyond anything we can handle. Every man, woman, and child in this world is on the path that leads to judgment due to our common sin and rebellion against our Creator. It’s a path that even the toughest among us can’t avoid, period. But then here comes Jesus the Christ. Though He was without sin, He chooses to take up our path. And when the going gets eternally tough, the Savior of the world gets going!
“Every day in every way, we’re getting better.” This mantra emerged in the first decades of the twentieth century, a hallmark of the optimistic mindset that prevailed in many circles of academia and government. New scientific discoveries and technological innovations seemed to promise a brighter future. However, two world wars, the Great Depression and the Holocaust shattered that positive view of humanity — at least for a time.
The dates identifying the LCRL bulletin blurbs are only suggestions. Please feel free to use any and all of the bulletin blurbs as your ministry needs allow.
The Bulletin Insert is designed to be printed and cut in half to fit conveniently inside a Sunday worship bulletin. Each month an insert will offer insight, encouragement, and information from the LCRL on the topics of Religious Liberty, Life, Marriage, or Education.
Tune in this week as Dr. Jay Richards joins us to discuss how faith and reason can win the culture war and why Biblical messaging is key in this critical battle!
Our lesson for today comes in the context of another healing event in the ministry of Jesus. It not only demonstrates Christ’s power over all things, but also the power of faith IN HIM amidst all the doubts and struggles that we may be facing. There is so much to learn from the honest confession of the father in this reading. This dad knew what his son needed, but felt helpless in response. He also knew what he needed -- stronger faith. When he meets Jesus, he expresses sentiments something like these:
“I’d like to have great faith, but I know that I’m inadequate, especially now when I need it most. In fact, I’m overcome by circumstances and doubt. Lord Jesus, while I believe, help my unbelief.”
In his letter to the church in Rome, the Apostle Paul writes, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God” (Rom. 13:1-2).
With that statement, Paul defines the relationship between Christians and government. Throughout the Book of Acts, Paul invokes his Roman citizenship to make a passionate defense of the Gospel. Instead of shying away from engagement with the governing authorities, he engages them by proclaiming truth. However, he also puts his trust in God’s sovereignty because he knows that the ultimate authority and judge is the Lord, who has allowed those to be in authority so God’s purposes can be accomplished.
Discover why America’s Evangelicals are shrinking in number and influence, and how you can help bring back biblical faithfulness and political engagement by tuning in to The Liberty Action Alert.
There’s a question that many are asking today. Actually, people have been asking questions like that for almost 2000 years. Here’s another one: “How can you believe that Jesus is the only Savior, the one that is the Savior for all people?” You can believe it because there is no one like Jesus. You could try to give me another name or show me another savior, but there isn’t one.