Creation and the Foundation of Marriage

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“Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh,” the man exclaimed, “she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Gen. 2:23). God had put the man to sleep, made the woman from his rib and presented her to the man (Gen. 2:21–22). The man’s response expresses the profundity and joy that he had discovered in her sameness; he is also clearly filled with relief. In her, he found rest and a true fulfillment of his godly desire (sexual, emotional, intellectual).

The woman is the prototype of every Christian bride. She is perfect, blameless and totally made for him. Thus, man rejoiced in the woman who was from him, and he rejoiced that God had brought her to him. To become one with her is a sweet image of God’s own union with man: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Gen.1:26). This first marriage speaks of Christ and the church (Eph. 5:32). This is a stunning mystery.          

Woman’s creation in Genesis 2 is the foundation not only of the marriage of man and woman, but also of Christ’s marriage to His church. Although woman was taken from man’s flesh, they were made to be one flesh. Moses concludes this marvelous account: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). She is his, and his love for her is inevitable. He will forsake even his own flesh and blood to become one flesh with her. There is no doubt that marriage is good.

When St. Paul quotes Genesis 2:24 to speak of the mystery of Christ’s marriage to the church, it changes our reading of Genesis 1–2. The creation of woman is more than just creation; it now also refers to God’s love for humanity. God instituted marriage before the fall into sin (Gen. 1:27–28; 2:18–25), and He has continued to bless it after the fall as a means to fill the earth, establish families, governments, tribes and nations of the earth. Without marriage society cannot thrive. And yet, this creaturely gift always points beyond creation to God’s salvation of mankind.

To say it more dogmatically, marriage is not isolated to the First Article of the Apostles’ Creed, but it is bound up in the Second and Third Articles. God has desired us and has not despised His creation. God became man to save us lost and condemned creatures. And the Spirit has brought us to Christ, sanctifying us through water and the Word (Eph. 5:26). As man would leave father and mother for his wife, Christ left His Father in heaven to become one with His Bride, even unto death, and to make her His own. The Spirit delivers to us Christ’s innocence and joins us to Him. Click here to read more.


Be Informed
Learn about the latest abortion numbers from the Center for Disease Control in a recent podcast with Dr. Michael New of the Charlotte Lozier Institute.


Be Equipped
“Since the reversal of Roe v Wade, we’ve read disappointing reports that the number of abortions in America has actually gone up,” notes Bradley Mattes of the Life Issues Institute. What are we to make of these numbers? Find out here.


Be Encouraged
“No amount of scientific progress can defeat death. No political ruler can promise eternal life. Only Jesus can make and keep that promise. The promise of hope and life is ours to proclaim. It is the promise that a world without hope needs to hear. In Jesus we have hope for the future, the living hope of life in His presence forever.” --Dr. Carol Geisler, Lutheran Hour Ministries


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