Getting Involved

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Is it alright for Christians to be involved with politics?

The Bible contains no specific command that either requires or forbids Christian involvement with politics. However, through the prophet Jeremiah, God teaches His people that they should, “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf” (Jer. 29:57). In other places, God teaches that Christians should obey and pray for those in positions of civil authority (Matt. 22:21; Rom. 13:17; Titus 3:1; 1 Pet. 2:13). These passages, together with the general biblical teaching that Christians should care for and promote the welfare of their neighbor, would suggest that Christians should participate in the process of deciding how we, as a nation, shall live.

But the New Testament passages that you mention talk about obeying the government, not participating in it. How are they relevant?

In a nation ruled by a king, the duty of a citizen is to be submissive and obey the ruler. But we live in a constitutional democracy. For us, rendering unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s (Matt. 22:21) means not only obeying the laws and paying taxes, but also fulfilling our duty as citizens to participate in the democratic process that the Constitution establishes.

If Christians living in a democracy have a responsibility to participate in the process of governing the nation, then why doesn’t the church speak out about public issues more often? First, it is important to distinguish between our individual vocations, including our calling to be citizens, and our corporate voca-tion as church. God has given to the church the very special task of making disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19). Worshiping God in Christ and making disciples for Jesus are the focus of our life together as church, and we must be careful not to let anything distract us from those tasks. It is the job of the church to teach the Word of God and to help Christians grow into faithful followers of Jesus. It is the job of the individual Christian to apply the teachings of Jesus to the specific situations that he or she faces every day at school or at work, in the family and in society at large. To use a parallel, the church should teach Christians the value and necessity of work (2 Thess. 3:1012) but not tell Christians which job to take or train them how to do their job.

The second factor that limits the way that the church speaks to public issues is respect for the freedom of Christian conscience. Quite often, determining public policy is not so much about the question of what (the principle), but the question of how (the means to accomplish that principle). Christians who have heard and believe the Word of God may legitimately disagree about the best means to accomplish a God-given task. Click here to learn more.

Be Informed
Learn more about the pro-life movement post-Dobbs with Dr. Ryan Anderson, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

Be Equipped
Discover why the nation’s top OB-GYN organization could combat lies about pro-life laws and why they choose not to.

Be Encouraged
“The disciples and the first century Christians may have felt like they were on the losing side. They had their doubts and fears. Maybe you do, too. They may have lost some earthly things. You may, too. But Jesus takes away the fear and the doubt. You have hope in His resurrection. You have hope even through the trials of life. You have a living hope in your living Lord.” –Rev. Peter Sulzle, St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Redwood Falls, Minnesota


Blessed Is the One Who Comes in the Name of the Lord, really?


Happy New Year? No, Happy NEW WORLD!